Chapter 363: Infinite Matryoshka Wells and the New Storm_2

"Song of the Wilderness" would not convey any information to humanity.

After all, the invaders' goal was to destroy humanity, and the less exposed, the better.

Harrison Clark found himself in a new predicament.

The more he understood, the more questions he had.

In the end, he could not figure anything out, so he simply slept peacefully for once.

October 27, 3020, 9:30 am, Beijing time.

The Solar System appeared peaceful.

There seemed to be nothing at the edge of the Solar System.

Harrison Clark was not in his own flagship, but rather led a million Galaxy Warriors stealthily to the frontline, cloaked within the energy field of the Stealth-type Fortress Ships.

Behind him in space, thousands of Stealth-type Fortress Ships opened their energy fields completely, forming a massive attack formation with humanity's 410 billion troops.