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At this moment, the Stellar Giant Cannon had just started its second round of preheating, and it would take at least half an hour before it could be fired.

So before that, conventional military power needed to come into play.

Particle-interference Bomb and Black Hole Bomb, these two trump cards, should also be deployed when the opportunity arises.

There's no need for probing from the human side.

The intelligence Harrison Clark stole from the "Old Time" proved its value when the still three-thousand-kilometer-diameter spherical battleship was spotted.

The intelligence was still valid, and the war situation was under control.

Even the departure and return of the Solar Dome could not shake the morale of the army.

The four escape fleets had been activated and were closing the distance quickly.

The first interference particle of a Dark Energy Black Hole Bomb had begun to rotate, waiting to detonate.