Chapter 365: The White Giant Cocoon_2

Complete silence, utter stillness.

This sight sent chills down one's spine.

Humankind's control over mass-energy conversion and unified forces had reached a profound level, but they had never encountered such bizarre technology.

There was only one explanation—the Compound-Eyed Observers had reached a level of mastery of fundamental forces that completely surpassed human understanding.

Meanwhile, the Spherical Battleship's long whiskers continued to grow, briefly pausing after extending ten thousand kilometers, then resuming their growth.

The whiskers began to expand horizontally, twisting around one another and knitting together like strands of yarn.

Eventually, a giant white cocoon was formed.

None of the human energy weapons or projectile weapons had any effect on it.

Nora Camp wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, grateful she hadn't used the Particle-interference Bomb and Dark Energy Black Hole earlier, otherwise they would have been dragged in by now too.