Chapter 365: White Giant Cocoon_3

"We can't delay any longer, we're facing an unprecedented situation. I don't know what the spherical battleship hiding within the cocoon is doing, but it's definitely not something we want to see."

Taking a deep breath, Harrison Clark began to issue orders.

"We have only one choice, use their own tactics against them. All Special Operations Team members, listen up!"


"Bind the Particle-interference Bomb's detonation authority!"

"Binding complete!"

"I'll count to three, then we'll disperse and advance, aiming to assemble at these four locations."

In the combat support system of these 10,000 special agents, four points were marked on the spherical battleship's cocoon shell.

These four points were not randomly chosen by Harrison Clark, but rather where most of the newly generated Dragonfly Fighters and Eight-legged Beetles had emerged from.

Harrison Clark didn't know which was the weak point, so he simply treated these locations as weak points.