Chapter 398: My Greatness (5200 words, seeking monthly votes)_2

In a society with slow thinking, the lower classes tend to be more ignorant.

Due to the slow speed of information acquisition and the higher time cost of obtaining information.

However, English native speakers who engage in academic and professional work can make up for the shortcomings of their lower learning efficiency with more accumulated study time and gain a more solid knowledge system.

Being slow means they have more time to think carefully during the learning process.

In a society with fast thinking, the lower classes can more easily obtain basic information, and the general public have a relatively higher level of intelligence.

However, the downside is that for non-professionals, the multi-faceted knowledge structure of the fast-thinking population is not solid, commonly known as being superficial in all areas.

This is because the quick-paced knowledge system is constructed too rapidly, and the foundation is not strong enough.