Chapter 398: My Greatness (5200 words, seeking monthly votes)_3

When translating an article from one language to another, it's not only the surface meaning that changes, the logical core inevitably gets lost to some extent in the process.

By looking only at the translated text, what you absorb will definitely be somewhat one-sided.

Regardless of whether it's Chinese to English or English to Chinese, it's the same.

Harrison Clark aims to win the war a thousand years later, so he must pursue perfection, starting from now and exploring the perfect logical approach that matches the human brain structure - combining speed and slowness, with no distinction between Chinese and Western culture.

He wants to have square and phonetic text running side by side in the minds of future generations, seamlessly switching at any time and place.

And then, as the future generations' knowledge continues to expand and reaches a certain level, they can choose their own focus accordingly.