Chapter 399: The Nonexistent Area 52 (4000 words, seeking monthly votes)_1

Harrison Clark stayed in China for another two days, checked the progress of Summit Research Institute's projects once more, then left behind a detailed new plan for Summit Ventures, before he headed off across the ocean again.

Harrison did not expect the small research group "On the Threat of Alien Civilization" to have a bigger impact than he had imagined.

Even more unexpectedly, after his second conversation with Ethan Evans, the latter's views did not waver but rather solidified, and he even roped in several scientists of similar standing.

Ethan expressed that he was trying to persuade several people to make a significant decision.

If everything went smoothly, Harrison would be able to see some evidence that would prove many things.

But before that, it required a visit from Harrison himself, or even for him to produce more evidence.

In fact, Harrison would vaguely guess what Ethan wanted to show him.

Area 52's underground base.