Chapter 427: Sergey's Letter [4500 words, thanks to the spectators of the League leader]_2

Harrison Clark was also disappointed.

In his heart, he imagined that he could get more answers from Sergey, and if he could solve the ZS Bacteria once and for all, that would be great.

But his fantasy fell through.

So, if Harrison Clark wanted to protect the people in the Solar System without sacrificing the progress of technology in the first five hundred years, he had to find a way to confront and defeat the ZS Bacteria, and then put it to use for himself from another angle.

He had no shortcuts; he had to do it himself.

Of course, it was difficult, but the rewards were enormous.

If successful, Harrison Clark believed that human civilization would make unprecedented progress.

The technology development of the Planting Battleship would make great strides.

The application of Grand Unified Force, Curvature Technology, antimatter, and Dark Energy by humans could also advance a great deal.