Chapter 427: Sergey's Letter [4500 words, thanks to the spectators of the League leader]_3

"But I don't see it that way. He only chose to restrain himself and let his followers gain more fame. His motive should be to weaken his historical status to enhance the salvation organization's presence, gradually forming a tight structure, and attracting more capable and idealistic successors."

"During these 500 years, salvation seems to have replaced the role of Sage Harrison Clark, but in fact, it still continues his personal will and great ideas. I am genuinely proud to have been a member of salvation."

"Based on the materials left by Sage Harrison Clark and considering the 'Compound Eye Crisis', 'Lover', as well as the hidden information within 'The Madman's Conjectures Collection,' it is known that the Solar Dome's advent is inevitable and irreversible. In the history of nothingness, the Solar Dome has accomplished three acts."