17th Jan, 2017; 11.40 A.M.

Vijay continues his failing attempt at interrogation, but to no avail. After continuing for 15 minutes straight, he heads out for a break. He steps out and the first thing he sees is Rathod, standing there talking to the four constables. He understands that they are filling him up on what happened a few minutes ago. He freaks out as he wants to get the information before anyone. He has already tried the soft way but if he wants to take out the information, he is going to have to do things differently this time. Vijay enters the room, takes the chair from the corner and places it in front of the table, Dhruv continues with his singing,

Dhruv (singing 'lovely') : "Isn't it lovely all alone, heart made of ice, my mind of.."

Patil (stopping Dhruv's singing) : Stop it!

Dhruv : What? Am I not a good singer?

Patil : Well I particularly don't know about that but what I know is..

Dhruv (cutting him): What do you mean you don't know, weren't you listening? What are you? Deaf?

Patil : Okay kid, cut the bullshit!

Dhruv : Oh that will be hard! (Chuckles)

Patil : I really don't have time for your jokes,..

Dhruv (cutting him again) : Then send someone who has time for my jokes; I am not wasting anything on you! (Chuckles again)

Patil (slams his hand on the table) : ENOUGH! Start talking, you motherfucker or you see that stick over there? I'll go get it and shove it up your ass and take it out of your mouth and make you talk!!

Dhruv : Woohhh ! What a change of attitude! By the way, technically speaking, that will be really hard and if you even do so, I don't think I will be in the condition to talk anymore.

Patil : What are you? I mean even if you have done it, you have got no guilt, no regret, no fear!

Dhruv : Whom should I fear, huh? You? To be honest, you are not really that intimidating; I think you should find someone better.

Patil : You are just a 17 year old kid! And if you did it then you were probably so high on madness that you thought taking the lives of your fellow friends will calm it down. You don't need anyone else, I am enough!

Dhruv : First of all I am not high on anything, I am clean. Secondly, they weren't my friends. And lastly, don't lecture me on life; your definition to life is far different from mine. So, it will be very nice if you SHUT UP!

Patil : Oh, well then go on, tell me the difference.

Dhruv : For you, life is just a gap that exists between these two points-one when you get out of your mother's womb and other when you eventually die. That time for you is life.

Patil: And what's wrong with that?

Dhruv : Life isn't this gap! It's the moments that's called life- the moment that you cried, the moment you laughed, the moment you felt like dying, the moment you felt like killing, the moment you felt like living more, the moment you broke, the moment you stood up and believe me they all had those moments and so they lived a pretty long life!

Hearing that Vijay is frozen, he looks into Dhruv's eyes and the only thing he sees is satisfaction and that is frightening. He heads out of the interrogation room with his head down trying to understand Dhruv's behavior but to no avail.

Dhruv (calls from behind while Vijay's heading out) : Seems like you took my advice, send someone better this time. I would actually prefer S.H.O. Rathod. And one more thing, it was good meeting you again! And sorry I wasn't able to answer your questions but don't worry we will speak some other time.

Till now Shiv had found out about the incident, he wants to extract the information as fast as possible. As Vijay is heading out Shiv approaches him and asks,

Rathod : So, what did he say?

Patil(with his head down and angrily) : He says the same thing every time! That he is the one who killed the three boys, and that's it!

Rathod : And?

Patil( biting his anger) : He says that he will only talk to you.

Rathod : At least, someone has sense here! I have to say, he is more intelligent than you.

Patil : YEAH!

Shiv and Vijay are not really friendly to each other; they have a beef for quite some time. Shiv was not happy with how Vijay tries to connect emotionally with the suspects or victims, which always seems to him as a hoax, because at times Vijay would become very aggressive and do things that had consequences, same way Vijay was not happy with Shiv's constant interference in his way of working, which was mainly because of Vijay's stupid decisions. But our egos are like a stone wall with no concrete, when hit by a bigger one, the stones fall on ourselves. And as sensitive as Vijay was with his emotions, he could never understand. And given the situation this time, Vijay just wants to prove himself and to take all the credit, maybe also prove Shiv incompetent at his work. Which is the same reason why Vijay had a change of attitude all of the sudden while interrogating Dhruv. But today, even his luck isn't by his side; Shiv without doing anything is two steps ahead of him. After this short encounter Shiv had prepared himself for the roller-coaster ahead. He knows, a person who could blatantly agree to his crime with such calmness without any guilt is either a psycho or a genius. He enters the room with a greeting,

Rathod : Good morning Dhruv Shastri!

Dhruv : That's funny!

Rathod : What's so funny about "good morning"?

Dhruv : Well, look at us! Does this look like a "GOOD MORNING"? (chuckles)

Rathod : The guys outside were right about you. You have quite a sense of humor.

Dhruv : They are just generous enough to admit.

Rathod : Okay, I guess that's enough of small talks. Let's get to the point.

Dhruv : I like that! Straight to the point.

Rathod : I like it myself too! So.. tell me, why did you kill them?

Dhruv : So you believe my word?

Rathod : Are you lying about what you said?

Dhruv : No!

Rathod : Then what's the problem?

Dhruv : It's just that, officers before you were in disbelief about what I said.

Rathod : I have been in this job for like 20 years now. I have seen a lot in my career, so I am prone to believe every type of unbelievable.

Dhruv : Those lines say a lot about you.

Rathod : I don't care about what it says about me. I am here to listen to what you say! So, I come again, WHY?

Dhruv : Not so easily officer

Rathod : What does that mean?

Dhruv : Let's play a game!

Rathod : I don't have time for your stupid games, just give me what I am here..

Dhruv (cutting him): Then I don't have time for your stupid questions!

Rathod (raising voice): Listen kid! Give me my answers or I'll…

Dhruv : Keep your voice down officer. There's no point in threatening me, we both know that you can't put a finger on me. Either agree to my terms and do as I say or else,..

Rathod : Else what?

Dhruv : Else you can shove those questions up your ass!

Rathod : I don't need your answers then. I have your confession recorded here on that camera upside

*points at the camera*

Dhruv : You sure? I mean, take a look.

Rathod (looking at camera) : WHAT THE FUCK?!! WHY IN THE HELL IS THIS TURNED OFF??!

Dhruv : Because I indirectly asked for it.

Rathod : And why would anyone agree to that?!

Dhruv (chuckles) : Because with camera ON I would never confess!

Rathod : Fuck!

Dhruv : So?

Rathod : FINE! What's your stupid game?

Dhruv : It's not really stupid to be honest. You can consider this as a.. TEST! I will tell you the name of the boy, chronological to his day of death. And you have to say how exactly the crime was committed, according to your investigation so far. If you are 100% right, then you can have answers to all your questions, and if you are wrong at anything then I may correct a few of your mistakes and give you the reason behind the particular boy's death.

Rathod : Wait a minute! Even if I am not 100% right, you will tell me wherever my investigation has gone wrong and also the reason why you killed them? If you are going to tell me everything anyway then what's the point of this game?

Dhruv (chuckles) : I may give you a lot of things you need to complete your case but it's not everything. And also remember officer, it's not reasons that make someone kill a person, its motive!

Rathod : What's the difference ?

Dhruv : I never really expected you to ask that question!

Rathod(sarcastically) : Sorry to disappoint you killer!

Dhruv (sarcastically) : OH MY GOD! I AM OFFENDED!!

Rathod : Yeah right!

Dhruv : Anyway answering your question, let's assume you and Mrs. Rathod had a fight. So, after that fight you feel like killing her, well now that's a reason to kill her but that doesn't mean you will kill her. Let's assume, she cheated on you, now the motive is revenge!

Rathod : Aren't you a smart little piece of shit, huh?

Dhruv : I guess I am!

Rathod : Let's start with your stupid game then!