17 jan, 2017; 11.59 A.M.

Dhruv's proposal of the game brought a complete new perspective to the case, Shiv was still trying to understand the motive behind his actions. They never had single evidence against him, and neither was Dhruv under suspicion, so why did he confess? By the actions of Dhruv, Shiv was quite clear that the boy wasn't really that dumb, infact he speculated a hidden motive behind it, but what was it? The answer he needed was hidden inside that game, and he had no choice but to play it! Shiv had to complete this case as fast as possible but the game was obviously going to slow it down, so before playing Dhruv's game, he took Dhruv's phone and Watch and every electronic device he might have been possibly carrying with him out of the interrogation room, and also asked him to submit his fingerprints to them, not only fingerprints but Shiv made sure that he would give his hair and fingernails samples for all the tests necessary. With everything done, he stepped in for the game 'How it's done?

Rathod : Okay! Let's start now!

Dhruv : Before we start, I have a question!

Rathod : Yeah, what is it?

Dhruv : Why did you take those samples and fingerprints?

Rathod : What do you mean? It's an active investigation! And everything I took from you is important for the forensics and forensics are important for making a strong case!

Dhruv : But what's the point for forensic if there's no physical or biometric evidence present!

Rathod : That's what you think?

Dhruv : THAT'S WHAT I KNOW! I made sure that there was nothing left behind!

Rathod : We have found few things! Anyway you'll find them soon with this 'GAME' of yours!

Dhruv : That's right! I will find it anyway!

Rathod : So…Shall we start?

Dhruv : Yeah sure! So.. the first on the list is Yash Choudary, date 2nd January.

Rathod : So we found his body..

Dhruv : In his house!

Rathod : I thought I was the one to answer!

Dhruv : Oh! I am really sorry! Please continue.

Rathod : So, yeah we found his body in the drawing room, hanging to the ceiling fan. His body had clear marks of torture like removed fingernails, burn marks on the multiple area which was due to pouring of hot water and the utensil used was found below the body, and blood on head which was due to pulling of hairs with… with a… a spanner, which was found in the crime scene itself. We checked the whole place, found 4 different fingerprints, all belonged to the family and victim. Family consists of 4 people, the victim's elder brother, the victim's parents, and the victim himself. The first on the crime scene was his brother, who saw the body and decided to inform police first because of the same things, I mean the signs of torture. And then informed his parents, we made sure that they don't have to witness the complete thing, apart from his body when taken out. Every place and everything was checked neatly, and there was no sign of forced entry, and…..

Dhruv : I guess that's enough of your investigational bullshit! Tell me what have you concluded from everything you found!

Rathod : I thought you wanted to know about it!

Dhruv : I did! I really did! But you are stretching it too much, cut it short!

Rathod : Fine! As you wish, killer! After getting the postmortem we found that he was not only tortured but injuries suggested that he was also beaten up, and with everything given at the crime scene, it was clear, both the killer and the victim got into scuffle. And without any doubt the killer got the upper hand, beat him up, tied him to a chair. Tortured the victim, removed his fingernails, putting hot water on him, pulling out his hairs and well continuously beating him all the way till end. And finally, hanged him to the ceiling fan, which was also the cause of death.

Dhruv : Is that it?

Rathod : Not really! After getting every detail, I made some speculations. Like the victim knew the person! Because there's a steel door, and it would have been opened only if the victim knew the killer.

Dhruv : Most of the people leave those steel doors open, so why make such speculation on a disposable fact!

Rathod : You are absolutely right on this argument! But,.. there's not a single witness to this incident, which was mostly because of the timing of the incident.

Dhruv : Timing ?

Rathod : Incident happened between the time slot of 2 to 4 P.M. And the victim comes home at 3 P.M. from school and the body was discovered at something near 4 to 4.15 P.M. and this hour is a special time! Most of the kids at this area have tuitions between 3 to 5 P.M. And the housewives are usually taking their evening nap! And there's no need to mention, all the men are out, due to work! And the most important thing was that the victim's mom is a working woman, so during that one hour the victim usually was alone at home, because his brother always comes home near 4 P.M. So for the killer to know this information , either he has to follow him for days or he has to be a person who knew the victim well already! So I interrogated the family and the neighbors, they did not see any suspicious person roaming around or following him in the area. And there are some cameras close to the society and on his way home, we checked everything and found no one following him, so it was clear! Killer was someone the dead already knew!

Dhruv : BRAVO! You fucking nailed it! So is that all or you still have some tricks up your sleeves?

Rathod : I also knew that it was personal! Everything that happened to him was because of something he did! Otherwise why would anyone give him such a miserable death!

Dhruv : Quiet true! Why would anyone!

Rathod : So? Was I 100% right?

Dhruv : Mostly! But you got the following thing wrong! I wasn't really his friend so getting every little detail was hard! So I did follow him!

Rathod : That's a lie! I have checked everything, you never followed him!

Dhruv : That's partially right and partially wrong! I never followed him physically, but I stalked him online, he was really an idiot when it came to social media! He would share every single detail of his daily life on social media, saying about how much his daily routine irritated him, how he feels alone during that single hour as no one is at home during that time and how he doesn't get to play with anyone as nearly every kid in neighborhood has a tuition timing of 3 to 5 compared to him that is 4.30 to 7.30 P.M. His brother having late classes lately, his mom being late then usual! He gave me every single detail I fucking wanted!

Rathod : You mean you found every bit of information through his social media handles! FUCK! So his ignorance towards his privacy was the main reason behind his death then?

Dhruv : Yeah that's right! I know it was just a mere ignorance but he is dead because of it! Teenagers often forget what social media is really made for, socializing! And use it as a means to grab people's useless attention, they think this attention makes them seem bigger or better whereas the truth is they are just idiots to think that! For the time, social media is an ocean of information where stupid people like Yash keep pouring water. And people like me, drink it! So I'll give you wise advice, social media is like a key! And lock here is your life, and if you provide the information about the lock to locksmiths like me, we will mold the key and open your life up! I think you should share it with your son, Vikram will be happy to know that it came from me! (Chuckles)

Rathod : You know Vikram?

Dhruv : Of course I know Vikram! We are in the same school, in fact in the same class. And just for your information, he was the leader of the group. And by group I mean the 3 boys that died and he was a gang!

Rathod : Was he ever on your list?

Dhruv : Yeah! He was! But I left him, he was really worthless!

Rathod : Why?

Dhruv : Let's keep that question for the end! Because you have far more important things to find!

Rathod : YEAH! We have! So, as I wasn't right completely then I guess I can hear your reasons at least!

Dhruv : It was between the month of august, I remember the date clearly! 20th august, I was still coping with my father's death and every problem that followed it, it was about a letter he made me write!