
Authors POV

"Tsunade are you just going to leave her behind." Lord third said. "Apparently yes, she'll be a better shinobi without me being around." Tsunade said. "And the genjutsu." Jiraiya asked. "It's for her own good if anyone finds out that she's a Katō there'll be many enemies." Tsunade said.

Five years later

Akari's POV

First day of the academy this is going to be fun. I thought as I got ready as fast as I can in my ninja gear. It is a black and red Kimono like top just below her knees length and black pants with a fishnet shirt beneath everything.

I left my home and started running full speed towards the academy, until I bumped into someone and fell onto my butt. "Are you alright?" A kind voice said and I looked up to see a man with gravity defying white hair. "I'm fine, thanks for asking." I said as I got up and dusted myself. "Your welcome, I'm Sakumo Hatake and this is Kakashi." He said gesturing to the boy standing next him who had the same kind of hair, and a mask on the lower half of his face.

"Hi my name is Akari Kato, nice to meet you." I said we talked while we went to the academy. "So Akari no one came to drop you of on your first day?" Kakashi asked. "Oh, well um...I actually don't have any parents." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm so sorr- No it's nothing I never actually met them so I'm fine with it." I said with a smile.

Kakashi and I became good friends through the couple months and Sakumo became a father figure to me he even invited me for dinner sometimes. But what happened next is not something I expected to happen ever.