A Change

"H- he's dead." I said as I stood there shocked. Sakumo's dead how's this even possible. I thought.

~Time skip at the funeral~

Rain was pouring down and I was standing in front of Sakumo's casket. No one came not even Kakashi why. This kept repeating through my mind. I placed a white Lilly on top of Sakumo's casket and bid him goodbye before heading towards Kakashi's house. I knocked twice on the door and he answered with a bored expression, which surprised me. "What?" He said. "I came by to see if you were fine I mean you weren't at the funeral." I said looking into Kakashi's eyes which had no light as before.

"Why would I go to a funeral of that man." Kakashi said and my expression changed from sad to angry. "He broke the rules Akari, he's nothing more than scum." Kakashi said emotionlessly. I slapped him so hard that he fell to the ground. "That man Kakashi was your father and he cared more about you than anyone on this world, just because he broke a rule to just save his comrades doesn't make him scum not to me at least." I said letting my anger take control of me. "Even if I was in his shoes I would have done the same cause there's nothing important than the people you love and everyone believes that, would you be happy if he died on that mission." I said before I left stomping down the road.

The next day in classroom was annoying as always. Obito came late, Rin talked to him about everything. And today we had taijutsu practice, meaning that we'll be sparing with one another. "Akira Kato and Kakashi Hatake." Daichi sensei announced. We went into the circle and did the unison sign. And started fighting. I was still angry at Kakashi so it was easy fighting him. He came at me but I figured it was a clone. I slashed the clone and it disappeared.

Kakashi came behind me but I knew so I did a spin kick and kicked him in the gut which threw him pretty far and he crashed into the fence. "Winner of the match Akari." Sensei announced. Kakashi came back and we completed the unison sign. "Akari please report to the hokages office after, the academy hours." A jonin said coming up to me as I was heading back to the classroom.

I knocked he doors to the Hokages office, and a come in was heard by a very kind voice. "Lord Hokage." I said formally. To my surprise he laughed. "You don't have to be so formal Akari, you can call me gramps or something." He said kindly. "Ok gramps." I said giving him one of my big smiles.

Hokage POV

When Akari smiled it reminded me of young Tsunade. "Akari I have heard about your skills and I want you to graduate from the academy earlier than the others, if that's of course you can do shadow clone or transformation jutsu." I said to her. "Should I do it now." Akari asked. "If you want to." I replied.

She stepped back a little and made the sign for shadow clone jutsu. "Shadow clone jutsu" Akari said and almost did a dozen clones, which surprised me. "Here you go Akari and here are your keys." I said handing them to her. "What are the keys for gramps." She said confused. "Your things have been moved to an apartment which will be where you'll live from now on." I said and she ran up and gave me a hug. "Thanks gramps." She said before she left.

Akari's POV

I don't really like change, but maybe this will be good for me. I thought. I walked to my apartment to find out that it was quite spacious and I liked it. I went to bed that night and it was peaceful.

The next morning I was called to the Hokages office pretty early. "Hey gramps." I said a little grouchy. "Hi there Akari I called you here today for you to meet your new sensei." He said and I lit up. "Sensei, who is it." I said excitedly. "Come here Kushina." Gramps said. "Akari this is Kushina she'll be your sensei." Gramps explained. "Hi there, aren't you just a cutie." Kushina said with a wild grin and almost crushing me in a hug. "Akari we'll start training tomorrow morning at eight meet me at training ground 6." Kushina sensei said kindly.

Kushina sensei had red hair tied into a ponytail including the normal jonin attire. She seems like a fun sensei. I thought as I walked out of the Hokages office and headed toward the sweets shop for some mochi. "Mochi time." I said practically to no one.