Pain of Loss

Akari's POV

"Sensei, I can take the right side." I said running to the right side doing hand signs. "Lightning style: thousand strikes." I said and Lightning strike's onto the battle field injuring and killing the Iwagukure ninjas. "Good job Akari but we have to go Kakashi threw my Kunai." Minato sensei said and we teleported. I saw Kakashi running with Chidori charged, but his left eye was a sharingan. "Akari get Kakashi now." Minato sensei ordered. I ran and caught hold of Kakashi just as he was about to fall into his death. Minato sensei teleported with us back to the place we spent the night.

"Rin where's Obito." I asked and she looked down she had tears streaming out of her eyes. "N-no not again." I said shaking a little but I got a hold of myself and went to heal Kakashi. I healed his scar and some other injuries he had on his body. It was night and we decided to complete the mission tomorrow. Kakashi woke up in the middle of the night, while I was up in a tree trying my hardest to not go down and strangle him to find out what happened. "It was my fault." My ears perked up at what Kakashi said. "Obito went after Rin and I didn't at first, but I should have." Kakashi said and I almost fell off the branch.

~Time skip Obito's funeral~

Everyone is here for sure. Obito was a nice person even as an Uchiha. I placed a white lily on his casket and left the place. "Akari wait." Kakashi said from behind me. I looked at him and I saw that he was sorry. "I just wanted to apologize about what I said to you that day, Obito made me realize that what my father did was a good thing and you were right." Kakashi said and I stood there processing everything he just said. "I'll see you around." Kakashi said before disappearing. "I should go after him, nah he just needs sometime." I said to myself.

"Guys you seen Kakashi lately." Asuma asked and we all shook our head. "Someone's gotta get him out of that house." Guy said getting up to go but Kurenai made him sit down. "He can't tolerate you guy things might get worse." She said in a threatening voice. "I'll go, I know Kakashi so it will be fine." I said and got up. "But you guys haven't talked for years." Asuma yelled but I ignored him. I went down the path I new too well and stopped in front of Kakashi's house. I knocked twice and there was no answer. "Hatake, open the door I know your in there." I shouted but no answer. "Kakashi open the door please." I said a little calmer. I stayed there and he didn't answer the door then I remembered the key that Sakumo keeps hidden if one of it got lost.

I unlocked the door and went inside. The house was clean with everything still in the same place. I went up to Kakashi's room and it was unlocked. "Kakashi." I said slowly opening the door to see his figure on the bed under the covers. I sighed before walking into the room. "Kakashi, hey baka come on get up staying inside is not good for you." I said in the most annoying way I could. He didn't budge but buried himself deeper into the covers. "If you don't get up I'll drag you to Kushina's." I said threateningly and he sat up right.

"Akari, how are you so happy." He said looking at me. "I'm not it's just how people sees me." I said dropping my façade. I looked at Kakashi's puffy eyes and then around the room. "You should take a shower or something, you reek." I said and He sighed. "Why are you here." He asked and I sweat dropped. "Clearly your not used to kindness, just go take a shower." I said shoving Kakashi off the bed and pushing him towards the bathroom. "He literally have got to buy some groceries." I said to myself pacing around the kitchen. "What are you doing." Kakashi said coming out of his room in a black shirt with mask attached and sweats. "I don't want to be a ninja, dead because I didn't eat for four days." I said and Kakashi sat at the table as I brought out some food. We ate in silence and Kakashi didn't even try to eat everything in a rush.

"Akari why are you here." Kakashi asked for the second time. "I came because I knew that you will go into this state Kakashi." I said and Kakashi turned his head down. "I'm fine thanks." He said and I ran up to him hugging him. I felt Kakashi stiffen before going limp and I sat down on the ground with him. My clothes were getting wet from his tears but I stayed there. "It was all my fault." Kakashi said pulling away. "It was not your fault Kakashi, I know you think that way I even did, but it was Obito's choice to save you." I said wiping tears from my eyes. "Come on, we have to go Kushina told me to bring you to her place yesterday." I said getting up and stretching. "I'll meet you there." Kakashi said. "I'm not falling to that trick." I said flicking his forehead a little. Kakashi glared before he went into his room and came out changed into his normal clothes.

"Let's go." I said dragging him to Kushina's as soon as he locked his house. "Akari your here, with Kakashi." Kushina said as we entered the house. "Where's Rin." Kakashi asked and Minato scratched the back of his head. "You have got to be kidding me, I'll be back." I said, and ran out of the house leaving Kakashi there. "Rin you there." I said knocking on her door but no answer. I turned around and bumped right into her. "Rin great, come on." I said dragging her to Kushina's place while she kept telling me to stop. "We're here." I yelled as we entered the house. "That was fast, I couldn't even find Rin." Minato sensei said. "You couldn't or you didn't." I mumbled and Kushina laughed. "Alright guys I know O-" "Don't say that that's Taboo now." I said cutting off Kushina. And she looked at the other two. "How come your fine." Rin asked me. "I'm, just used to it." I said and Kakashi looked at me in disbelief.

"See you guys tomorrow." Rin said and ran towards her house. "So you only showed your emotions to me, why?" Kakashi asked while walking to his house. "No reason really I just thought you'll feel comfortable knowing your not alone." I said and looked at Kakashi tears brimming in my eyes. "Kakashi, I'm fine really, I'll see you later." I said seeing his house. Kakashi pulled my hand and hugged me. I was surprised at first but I let my tears fall and stayed hugging him. "I know your not." He said softly.

Kakashi's POV

I had a feeling that made me want to comfort Akari, she's been around for me and Rin for sure. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into an embrace. She was surprised but soon hugged back and cried into my chest. "I know your not." I said softly and she hugged me tighter as if I'll disappear.

Her breathing slowed down, signaling that she was asleep. And I carried her into my house and put her down on the guest room. I pulled the covers and left the room. "Why do I feel weird when I'm around her now." I said to my self. Her smile makes me feel like blushing every second. I thought.