More Changes

Akari's POV

"A mission, alone." I said surprised at what gramps said. "Yes it is really not a high ranked one and Rin and Kakashi are on a mission with Guy now." Gramps said. "Alright I'll leave right now." I said and gramps handed me a scroll. "Why do I have this feeling like somethings going to go wrong." I said to myself as I kept racing through the forest with the scroll. The mission was going smoothly, too smoothly.

"Hand over the scroll." A man said coming in front of me. "About time." I said to myself. "Well I don't think so." I said to the man and five more people came out of the bushes. "Your one against five, and what are you a genin. "A Jonin to be exact." I said making hand signs. "Wind style: Divine wind." I shouted and small tornados formed mixed with fire style and killed everyone of them.

"Here you go." I said handing the scroll to it's owner. I started running again back to Konoha.

"Akari." Guy shouted when he saw me. "Guy where's Kakashi and Rin." I asked and he told me where they were. "Go for back up, I'll find them." I said before adding chakra to my feet and running to where I could sense Kakashi's chakra.

"Chidori." I heard Kakashi's voice and I found him. He was running towards mist ninja, but Rin jumped in between and his Chidori went right through Rin's heart. "NO." I screamed running to them as Rin fell. I tried healing her but she was dead. "No please, work just once." I said and Kakashi fell to the ground. The mist ninjas got closer. "Spiritual transformation." I said and ran killing every one I could reach. I stopped and I was low on chakra and passed out.

There was a small sound in the background. I opened my eyes slowly taking in the light. It was white, I was in the hospital. I tried to get up but a hand pushed me down. "Don't force yourself your in Konoha now." Minato sensei said. Then I remembered everything that happened and sat upright. "Kakashi, is he-" I was cut off. "He's fine Akari look to your right." Sensei said and I looked to my right and saw Kakashi's sleeping figure. Tears seeped out of my eyes and I started to wipe them. "It's alright." Minato sensei said pulling me into an embrace. I cried for a while and sensei left for an important meeting. "Are you okay." Kakashi said from the other bed. "I'm fine." I said and turned to Kakashi. He was sitting up and his eyes were a little puffy from crying. I got up from the bed and walked to his.

"I'm sorry, it was all my fault." Kakashi said and I slapped him. "Don't say that I saw everything, Rin jumped in front of your Chidori." I said and Kakashi looked at me shocked. "But I promised Obito that I will keep Rin safe." He said looking down while I was sitting on the bed. "Baka." I said hugging Kakashi. And he hugged back. We went to the funeral together and I visited my dad's grave afterwards.

"Minato sensei's Hokage, I guess he took your dream huh." I said to Kushina while I was at her house. "Since when did you stop eating this much." Kushina said when I pushed away the plate half full. "I just don't feel like eating now." I said bluntly. "Well has Kakashi asked you on a date." Kushina teased and I blushed a little. "Kakashi and I, we're just friends." I said. "That's very believable." Minato sensei said coming into the room with Kakashi. "What's believable." Kakashi asked. "You two are very alike, I'm sure you'll end up as a couple." Kushina said. "No way that's going to happen." Kakashi and I said in unison. "See very alike." Minato sensei said. "This is what I get for making you two go on a date years ago." I mumbled but Kushina heard it.

"What did you just say." Kushina said surprised. "Remember after the chunin exams I was in the hospital and I said that Minato sensei wanted to ask you on a date, but didn't know what you'll say, well let's say he never actually said that." I said and Kushina's hair floated in the air. "Well I'll see you later then." I said teleporting out of the house with Kakashi. "Thanks." Kakashi said before walking away. "Kakashi wait." I said and he faced me. "Um, you don't really feel like that way right." I asked fiddling with my fingers a little. "Don't worry were bestfriends nothing could break that." Kakashi said and smiled at me and I did the same.

~Time skip one year nothing interesting happened~

"Akari, your here." Minato sensei said. "I'm assigning you to the ANBU under my command." He said before I could say anything. "ANBU, why so suddenly." I asked dumbfounded. "You know that I assigned Kakashi to the ANBU right." Minato sensei said and I nodded. "Well I expected him to get over Rin's death that way but it doesn't seem that it will work that way so, I'm assigning you to his team so that you could keep an eye on him." Minato sensei explained. "I'll do it, that's too easy anyways." I said and Minato sensei handed me a scroll and told me where the ANBU headquarters is.

I entered the headquarters and they let me in after seeing the scroll. My ANBU mask looked more like a fox with red and black marks all over it.

"Guys seems like we'll be having a new member today." Kakashi said as I entered the room. "A girl, couldn't the Hokage give us someone better." one of them said and I threw a kunai missing just inches from his face. "Sorry, who are you anyways." He said. "Akari Kato, codename Yami (Yami: Darkness)." I said emotionlessly and I saw Kakashi's confused face. "I'm Kakashi captain of team Ro, you'll be apart of us from now on so follow orders." Kakashi said bluntly. Kakashi who are you now. I though in my head.

"That's our guy." Kakashi said pointing to a person. "Seems like a pervert good thing we have a girl on our squad." Wolf said and I sighed. "If any of you tell anyone what you see, you will not say anything more ever." I said coldly. I jumped down from the spot and transformed into a different person so I could attack easily. I transformed into a white haired girl with white dress which was short just right above my knees. I hate these kind of missions. I thought as I slowly walked up to the person and the others around him.

"Um, could you point the way to Kiri I'm sort of lost." I said with a confused expression. "Oh aren't you a beauty, I could lead the way there for you if you want that is." He said wiggling his eyebrows. Gross, I'm going to kill you after this Kakashi. I thought. "Why not, I mean you don't seem so busy." I said innocently. "Let us go then, Kiri is this way um-" He said pointing to the left. "Yumi." I said and walked to a safe distance with this pervert. "And I will be your death." I said transforming back to myself and slitting his throat afterwards. "Mission complete." Kakashi said writing down on the scroll. We entered the village in just a few minutes and we parted ways to attend to our own things.

"So I never knew you were ANBU material." Kakashi said walking with me after changing back to our normal clothes. "I guess your just too much of an idiot." I said annoyed. "Your not mad because, you had to seduce a person are you." Kakashi said looking at me. "Kakashi maybe, you could do it to see how it feels." I said glaring at him. "Akari-nee." Itachi shouted running to me. "Hey Itachi, I heard you unlocked your sharingan." I said smiling a him and crouching down to his level. "Yeah it's a two tomoe now." Itachi said and I ruffled his hair. "You know I didn't give you a gift, so want to go out for some Dangos." I said and Itachi nodded. "Want to come Kakashi." I asked turning to him. "No thanks I don't do sweets." Kakashi said and Itachi glared at him.

"Your Akari-nee's boyfriend right." Shisui said walking up to us. "Boyfriend huh? Shisui are you jealous." I said walking to him and flicking his forehead. "Come on Itachi let's go, you can join us if you want Shisui." I said directing the two of them to the tea shop. "Bye Kakashi." I said waving to him. Was that a blush. I thought looking at Kakashi. "Akari-nee my mom is having a baby, I think it will be a brother what do you think." Itachi asked. "I don't know but I'm sure you'll be a great big brother." I said smiling. "Thanks Akari-nee." Itachi said munching on a Dango.