
Akari's POV

I entered the Hokage's office after a two week mission and gramps looked sort of worried. "Hey gramps everything okay." I asked and he handed me a scroll. "What." I shouted after reading it. "This is what he does when I leave for two weeks." I said mostly to myself. "Danzo got to him Akari, it's not Kakashi's fault." Gramps said. "I need to talk to him." I said leaving the Hokage's office.

I jumped from roof to roof looking for Kakashi and saw him walking and Guy following him. In seconds Kakashi had a Kunai pointed to Guys neck.

"Is it true." I said jumping down from the roof top after Guy left. "Akari." Kakashi said looking at me. "Your such an idiot, I leave for two weeks and you take just a day to do something this stupid. Kakashi, Minato sensei told us about who Danzo is but you still joined the root." I scolded him. "Lord third, was Hokage and Obito and Rin died and even the Kyuubi attack that killed Minato sensei how can you say he is not a traitor. If you are going to stay in the ANBU you might be working for a traitor of the village, lord Danzo works for the welfare of the village." Kakashi shot back. I walked up to him and looked at him straight in the eye. "I thought you changed Kakashi, but after everything your still like this." I said tears filling my eyes and he had a painful look in his eye.

"Fine you stay in the root, you'll see that what you say is wrong Kakashi." I said turning around and he grabbed my hand. "Akari, why are you like this don't you want to make sure if Obito and Rin is avenged." Kakashi asked. "If your going to Avenge everyone who dies, than you will always be avenging Kakashi." I said pushing him back and walking away. "Don't talk to me until you understand." I said and left wiping away my tears.

"You summoned me." I said landing in the Hokage's office. "I am assigning you to team Alpha as captain." Gramps said. "I understand." I said before leaving the office. "My name is Akari Kato, and I will be your captain from today onwards." I said to my team consisting four people. "Captain, we are ready for our mission." Fox said. "Oh, and don't call me captain all the time, I'm not used to it just Yumi will be fine." I said and they nodded before we left on our mission.

~Time skip three weeks~

"Haven't seen you for a while Akari." Asuma said as I sat down by the table. "Yeah, I haven't been in the village much." I said sighing. "Hey Kakashi come join us for some dumplings will ya." Guy shouted at Kakashi but he ignored. "When are you going to stop Guy." I asked bored. "What do you mean." Kurenai asked. "Are you even avoiding him Akari." Guy asked. "Sort of." I said monotone. "Don't tell me it's because of the rumors." Izumo said. "What rumors." I asked surprised. "You know Cold-blooded Kakashi, Friend Killer Kakashi. Some people say that you guys stopped talking after he killed someone." Koetsu said and I saw a hawk in the air. "That's not true, but I gotta go." I said putting down a couple of bills before teleporting to the Hokage's Office.

"We must track him down alive if possible, give it your all." Gramps said to all of the ANBU in the room. We all went on our own until I met one of Kakashi's summoning. "Akari right, Kakashi just went into a hideout he's probably going to get himself killed." The dog said and I nodded a thanks. I stopped in front of a cave and heard a clashing of metal. I ran in and saw Kakashi fighting with what looked like mist. "Kakashi, look out." I shouted as one of the mists entered his body and he started screaming in pain. They were people, but I couldn't think now. I moved towards Kakashi and bend down. "This is going to hurt." I said and let my hands hover over his body trying to get the air out of him.

A fist came at me and punched me and I flew away from Kakashi and landed on the ground. The mist entered my body and I forced my hands out. "Spiritual transformation." I said and transformed into my spirit form letting the air out of me. A boy came running with a girl and did wood style on Kakashi almost crushing him and the air came out. He passed out after that and I came to my normal form. "Who are you?" The boy said and wood style surrounded me. "Spiritual, ahh." I almost did the hand signs but he stopped them almost breaking my hands. "Who are you and why are you here." He said making the grip tighter. "Like I would ever tell you." I said holding in my scream. "I will kill you if you don't answer." He said and I smirked. "I couldn't care less." I said and he looked at Kakashi. "I'll kill him." He said and I kept my face the same. "Looks like your awake." The boy said when Kakashi started to wake up.

He started asking questions and the people left them be. Now. I thought. I was ready to attack when he brought Kakashi down and apologized. "I knew it, you were suppose let him get away." Kakashi said. "He sent me to stop him." the boy replied. While they talked I worked on gathering chakra to break through the wood. The mist was slowly covering the ceiling and they jumped down. "Since the beginning you were, you both will die for Orochimaru sama's sake. The leader said. They all started changing into mist. "Shanaroo." I shouted coming down to them and punching the ground breaking it. "Tenzo." a girls voice was heard and she stood in front of us. "I've had it I won't let them die." She said creating a tornado and we were at some place else.

"Kakashi you idiot, how many times do I have to tell you to not act alone." I said my hair raising up. "Akari." Kakashi said questioning and I sweat dropped. "This is the way out." the girl said leading us out. After a while she erupted into Tenzo's body and ran out. "Ah, we're finally out." Kakashi said and a Kunai came right at his feet. Their leader came attacking us. "Kakashi go I can handle this." I said but he stayed.

We fought him and he died he said his last words and we ran to find Tenzo and the girl. "You must be joking." Kakashi said, when he heard what she said. I'll go back to the hide out and see if he arrives." I said and left without waiting for a reply. "Well, well if it isn't our dear Akari-chan." Orochimaru said and I looked around to see everyone dead. We engaged in battle which was easy for me since he was already injured. Yukimi came into the hideout and Orochimaru kicked me into the wall making me unable to move for a while. The place started falling into pieces and Kakashi rushed to me, lifting me up from where I was to a place away from the rubble. I passed out in a couple minutes from who knows what.

"You awake." Kakashi said and I opened my eyes and realized that I was on his back. "Akari, I wanted to apologize, I shouldn't have been so stupid about what Danzo said and should have thought about it." Kakashi said. "I'm glad you understood." I said and snuggled closer to him. "Can you put me down now." I asked after some time. "Nope." Kakashi said and I reached my hands down to his stomach and tickled him. Kakashi burst out laughing and let me down from his back. "You should know who to mess with." I said giving him a peck on his cheeks. "Oh really." He said and came after me as I ran laughing.