Teddy Bear

Two years later

Akari's POV

I saw Kakashi holding his hand walking to the Hokage's office. He must have had that dream again. I thought as I entered the office. "Great you both are here, I have a mission for the both of you." Gramps said and we nodded. "You will be delivering a scroll containing information to the Suna, and wait for a reply and, bring it back." Gramps explained.

"So we can get there in a day, and rest or we could rest and, get there in two days." Kakashi said. "The first one is good, in case we run into any trouble." I said looking at Kakashi. "Kiri ninja, at twelve clock." I said and we stopped.

"Leaf ANBU hand over the scroll." one of them said. "The scroll doesn't belong to you." Kakashi said charging his Chidori. Kakashi bolted at them and one of them Transformed into Rin. "Kakashi." I shouted as his Chidori lost it's power and the man kicked him back. "R-Rin." Kakashi stuttered while I caught him. "Stay still, I'm going to use a jutsu with you." I whispered and clutched onto Kakashi and made hand signs. "Spiritual transformation." I said and transformed with Kakashi and flew threw the forest in immense speed. "You're really heavy." I said stopping in front of a waterfall. "Kakashi." I said when I didn't get an answer. Entering the waterfall into a cave and saw that he passed out and was sweating like crazy. "You got wounded, how did I not notice that." I said to myself, putting Kakashi down on the cave floor. I lit a fire and heated some water to treat the wound.

I started to remove his clothes and Kakashi's hand reached up when I was going to pull down his mask. "I need to take off your shirt or I cant treat the poison." I said and he let go and opened his eyes. "Akari, I can't see." Kakashi said. "It's the poison, I'm going to take it out so stay still, cause this is going to hurt." I said and Kakashi nodded. I forced my chakra into the wound and the poison seeped out while Kakashi tried his best not to move. "It's out." I said relived. I finished bandaging Kakashi and he was out like a light. "How are you so heavy, even when your a ninja and train constantly, without eating." I said lifting him onto my back. I dashed out of the cave to the road that lead to Suna.

Kakashi was out till morning and I had already reached the sandy desert near Suna. "Akari, what are you doing." Kakashi said from my back. "Saying thanks would be just fine, Kakashi." I said mostly tired. "Thank you, but you could have waited." Kakashi said and I shot him a glare. "I think, I preferred when you were unconscious." I said annoyed. "I can walk now." Kakashi said trying to get up but failing and falling into me making me lose my balance and fall face first into the sand with Kakashi crushing me. "Get off me." I yelled at Kakashi and he rolled into the sand. "You could have stayed still." I said my hair raising in the air like Kushina's and Kakashi evidently gulped. I got near Kakashi and took his right hand and pulled him to his leg with my body supporting his.

"I just wanted to make it easier for you." Kakashi said after awhile. "Believe me Kakashi, the other way was just fine." I said looking forward to the gates. We entered the gates and headed straight to the Kazekage's office. "I will give you, a reply in two days." He said and we nodded before leaving and I went to the hotel we were staying so I could get Kakashi off me.

I put Kakashi down gently on the bed and put down all the gear on the ground. "What are you doing." Kakashi said as I was trying to take off his shirt. "I need to clean the wound, isn't it itchy." I said and he just shook his head. I healed Kakashi again and got up from the bed and he winced. "Are you alright." I asked and turned to Kakashi to see him sweating and his eyes squeezed together. "Come on, really." I said and checked Kakashi's vitals and got one. "How did I not notice." I said to myself and got a damp cloth on his head. "Kakashi open your eyes even slightly." I said and his face scrunched up a little. I took out the antidote for the poison and injected in into his blood stream and Kakashi sucked in a breath. "I'm almost done." I said resealing his wound for the second time. "There." I said mostly to myself. I settled Kakashi down on the bed before heading for the door to get some medicine for the after effect of the antidote.

I was walking down the road and bumped into a small kid with red hair clutching onto a teddy bear. "Hey there are you alright." I said patting his head and he looked surprised. "Miss, you shouldn't talk to him, he's a monster." A little girl said coming up to us and I glared at her. "He's not a monster, that's just what you are told." I said and the girl ran away. "So what is your name." I asked and he looked at me. "Gaara." He said. "Well Gaara, my name is Akari and I don't know if you'll know this but, do you know where I could find a medicine shop." I asked in a way he'll understand. "I can take you to uncle Yashamaru, he'll know what to do." And with this he dragged me to his Uncle's house. "Uncle Yashamaru." Gaara called out and a man with blonde hair came out of the house.

"Gaara who's this, my apologies if he did anything." He said and I smiled. "Oh, no need Gaara didn't do anything, I just bumped into in on the road and asked for some help." I said waving my hand around. "Uncle Yashamaru, Akari-nee said she was looking for a medicine shop." Gaara said and he nodded at Gaara. "There is not a medicine shop nearby but I could let you, get some from me." Yashamaru said. "Thank you, that would be great." I said and he showed me some tablets and I looked at them and took a pack of herbal medicine. "If you don't mind me asking, who's the medicine for." Yashamaru asked. "It's for my partner, who came together on this mission, he got poisoned on the way here." I said and he nodded. "Gaara, I'll see you tomorrow at the playground, right now I have to go." I said ruffling his hair and he hugged me.

I went back into the room to find Kakashi in the kitchen. "You're awake." I asked and he turned to me with a surprised face. "Yeah I'm up and running." Kakashi said before turning to the food he was making. "So no, after effect." I said sitting on the other side of the table. "Yeah, except there is two of everything." Kakashi said setting down the food missing where I was sitting and I sighed. "Just sit okay." I said and he sat down without a word. "How do you even handle solo missions." I said making the medicine. "I don't get wounded." Kakashi said. "Well, I have a date tomorrow." I said and Kakashi choked on his water. "You can come too, if you want." I said and I heard him get up. "I thought we were together." Kakashi said from right behind me. "Aww, Kakashi don't get jealous you'll like him too." I said turning around to see him staring at me hurt. "I bet you'll, change your mind in the morning." I said handing him the medicine and going to my room.

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock and heard fast footsteps and water running. I opened the door and stepped out and saw Kakashi near the sink. "Kakashi, there's no blood." I said gently, taking his hand out of the water. "Close your eyes." I said and he obligated. "Now open them." I said and he opened his normal eye and looked at me while I smiled. "You've been, having this dream again haven't you." I asked making breakfast. "Just, tonight." Kakashi said yawning. "And the night before the mission." I said turning to him and he looked surprised. "Uh, no." Kakashi said. "Don't lie baka." I said my hair twirling in the air and Kakashi sweat dropped.

"So who are you meeting, for this date." Kakashi said and I smiled. "He's a cute teddy bear." I said and I side glanced at Kakashi and saw him furrow his eyebrows in jealousy. "Akari-nee." Gaara shouted running to me. "Hey Gaara, I told you that I'd come." I said lifting him up. "Whose that Akari-nee." Gaara asked. "Oh he's my teammate, I told you about." I said and Gaara looked at Kakashi's surprised face. We spent time with Gaara till afternoon and we went to the hotel. "So your date. was a 3 year old." Kakashi said. "Are you jealous, Kakashi." I teased and he looked at me. "Wait." Kakashi said as I jumped into him and we both fell into the bed together. "That hurt." Kakashi said and I laughed.

"Are you that rusty, Kakashi." I said and he flipped us over and I was now on the bed with Kakashi's hands on either side of my head. "Are you sure about that." Kakashi said and I looked at his face to find his mask gone. Kakashi brought his face closer and I closed my eyes and we kissed until we were both out of breath. "Well now." Kakashi said still on top of me. He reached his hand down and lifted my shirt and tickled me. "Ka-Kashi, stooop." I said laughing. "I think, I like that name." Kakashi said tickling me more. He stopped and I was out of breath. "Kashi." I said and he looked at me blushing.

"Thank you, we'll be leaving now." Kakashi said to the Kazekage as he gave us the scroll. We left as soon as we got it since I have already said goodbye to Gaara. We made it back to the leaf safe and sound. I headed home after we gave our report and I saw a familiar Uchiha with an adorable one on this back. "Hey Itachi, Sasuke." I said walking up to them. "Akari-nee." Sasuke said and I looked at Itachi who seemed to be lost in thought. "Itachi, wanna train after you take Sasuke home." I said and he nodded. "When do I get to train with you." Sasuke said pouting. "Maybe next time, Sasuke." I said and he smiled.

"So what's up with you." I asked and Itachi looked up confused. "Come on, it's not like I couldn't figure it out." I said and Itachi looked down. "My team, they're dead, and father didn't even care." Itachi said and I looked at him in understanding. "It will be alright." I said patting his head. "You don't understand either, huh." Itachi said and I flicked his forehead. "I lost my team too, both of them, but do you see me act like that." I said and Itachi looked down. "Hey, I know your upset but you can talk to me okay." I said pulling Itachi into a hug and he didn't try to push away like he use to. "So how are you and, Izume." I said and Itachi blushed slightly. "Talk to her, maybe it'll make you feel better." I said and Itachi left to go home and I went home. "Ah, I need a break." I said flopping down on the bed.