Akari's POV

"Sasuke come back here will ya." I shouted at the giggling Sasuke who ran to the other side of the training grounds. Somethings have changed now. Kakashi and I have been on more missions together lately. I have been training Sasuke sometimes when he comes to me and asks like crazy. "I want to do what Nii-san does." Sasuke said and I sighed. "How about a simpler one to start off okay." I said and he nodded. I set up three targets and told Sasuke how to do it. He missed once but did it on the second go. "You really are a prodigy." I mumbled to myself.

I left the training grounds and went home. I entered the apartment and found a note on the coffee table from Kakashi. And in a couple minutes a hawk pecked at my window. I got up and teleported to the Hokage's office in full gear. "Kakashi go to the infirmary and patch up." Gramps said to Kakashi. Gramps filled me in with the information. "You know that he won't go to the infirmary right." I said and he nodded. I ran as fast as I could the root headquarters. And made it just in time. "Wind: style wind bullets." Danzo shouted and I jumped in between Kakashi and Kione. "Earth style: shielding barrier." I shouted, and blocked the attack before it reached the two. I glared at Danzo.

"Akari Kato, princess Tsunade daughter, your father will be very disappointed in you for what you did just now." Danzo said and my glare intensified and I heard Kione gulp. "Neither of you will be leaving this place." Danzo said and we looked behind to see us cornered. I started making hand signs at a rate that the others couldn't see and Kakashi nodded. "Water style: Over flow." I said and water covered the surface. "Raikiri." Kakashi said and the three of us jumped down before lightning hit the surface.

"Wind style: Levitation." I said and took us out of the underground place. "Baka, why do I have to safe you every time." I said punching Kakashi lightly in the arm. "S-sorry." Kakashi said chuckling nervously. "You think that you can escape that easy." Danzo said running towards us with almost the whole root. "Nope." I said using spiritual transformation. I flew up and came down with my hand clenched into a fist. "Shanaroo." I said punching the ground and it broke into pieces. "Remind me to never get to her bad side." Kione said to Kakashi. And I felt Kakashi's smirk. "Enough." Gramps said landing near Danzo. "About time." I said before I fell back low on chakra. Kakashi caught me before I closed my eyes.

I slowly came back to consciousness and I was in a room. The room was painted grey and I was under green covers. "So I'm the idiot huh?" Kakashi said coming into the room. "You should have known you were low on chakra" Kakashi said sitting down on the chair. I concentrated on my chakra to see if I still had enough in my Byakugou. "I know, I know I don't need a lecture from you." I said and Kakashi kissed me on the forehead.

~Time skip~

For the last two years Kakashi and I have been going on missions with our teams and sometimes we go on partner missions together. And we go on missions with Tenzo since he is still new to ANBU. Naruto is now older but I am not allowed to meet him, order by the stupid council. Also Kakashi and I have started living together.

"We've been called." Kakashi said and We teleported to the Hokage's office together. "Kakashi I need you to lead Team Ro and Team Alpha will be joining you." Gramps said. "Akari wait." He said and I waited. "There's a special mission, which I need you to handle." Gramps said and I nodded. "What was that about." Kakashi asked as soon as I left the office. "A mission to the hidden rain, I have to collect info on a newly created organization called Akatsuki." I said and Kakashi's eyes widened. "I have to leave immediately." I said looking at him.

Kakashi stared at me for a while before moving closer to my face. He took of his mask and I felt something soft on my lips, he was kissing me and I kissed back. We moved away from each other gasping for air. "Don't die." Kakashi said tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "It's not that easy to kill me." I said smiling. "Promise." Kakashi said taking out a necklace with a circle and the Hatake symbol in the center, and I smiled brightly. "I'll see you when I get back, I promise." I said running to the gates.

I made it into the rain village in half day and looked around the village trying to find any sign of an enemy. "Well, well don't we have an intruder." A voice said and I turned around only to be sucked into another dimension. "What." I said looking around. I ran at my enemy an the twisted my hand and threw me to the side. "Who are you." I asked and I saw the sharingan. "I am Madara Uchiha." He said and I scoffed. "Madara Uchiha died while fighting my great grandfather and you expect me to believe you." I said. We fought for almost an hour and I lost. He went out of the dimension leaving me trapped in there. I healed myself started walking around to find a way to get out.

Kakashi's POV

"KIA?" I asked surprised. "Yes Kakashi, Akari has disappeared off the face of the earth and it has already been a year. I have received no message from her so I either brand her as a rouge or name her KIA." Lord third explained. "Then what if she comes back and she's not either." I asked. "Well then we'll change her status." He said. I left the office and headed to the training grounds. "Akari you promised you'll be back." I said to no one in particular.

Akari's POV

I came back to consciousness and I was in a dark room. "Where am I." I said and tried to move but couldn't cause my hands and legs were chained to the wall. "Well, it seems like our friend has awakened." Orochimaru said walking into the room with the person wearing an orange mask. "Tell us all the intel of the leaf and you will not be killed." The one with the orange mask said and I smirked. "Do you think that I am so desperate that I will give away my home." I said and he walked closer to me. A crack was heard in the room before he moved away from me.

Oh great now I'm chained to the wall and I have three broken ribs. I thought. "Orochimaru get the information out of her." He said before leaving the room. "I have a new experiment, now what will I do first." He said coming closer to me and snatching the necklace Kakashi gave me from my neck and throwing it away. I'm sorry Kakashi, I'm going to have you wait. I thought.