
Akari's POV

It's been 4 years, but I'm still alive. I will break out of this place and go back home to Konoha, back to Kakashi. I hope he doesn't hate me. These were the only words that goes through my mind. I have been working my chakra up my arm ever since Orochimaru left the organization. The soft sound of metal breaking was heard in the room. "Spiritual transformation." I said before becoming my spirit form and travelling to the scroll room. I took the scroll containing information on all of the members and got out of the base. "I'm coming back home, Kakashi." I said running through the forest as fast as my legs would take me. I have healed all of my wounds already but I was still not fully back to my usual speed. 

The gates came into view and my speed increased. "Where do you think you are going." The man with the mask came at me and pushed me into the ground. "Going back to your precious Kakashi, he already thinks your dead what is the point." He said and smashed my face into the ground and my eyes watered. "I will go back to Konoha it's my home, and I know Kakashi, more than you know." I said kicking him off me. "Get lost." I said and got up with very much effort to only to be kicked in the stomach. My vision became blurry as I tried to fight back. Then I felt a somewhat familiar chakra near the gates. "KAKASHI. KAKASHI HELP ME." I screamed out as loud as I could as I started seeing black spots. 

Kakashi's POV

I was walking down the road to meet my team after visiting Akari. I just never knew why you promised Akari. I thought. I saw the trio standing at our meeting spot bored. "Sorry I'm late, a black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way." I said in a bored tone. "Sakura you know your hair is in a very rare color, believe it." Naruto said and Sakura ignored him. "Sensei do you know anyone with a more different colored hair." Sakura asked and I looked at her bored. "Well you can say that." I said and kept walking to our mission spot. 

We finished our missions for today in four hours and Naruto decided that we should all go for Ramen. We walked down the road on our way to Ichiraku Ramen. "Kakashi sensei have you ever been in love." Sakura asked sitting next to me. "What's with the questions today Sakura." I asked getting more reminded of Akari. "I just thought that you might know more about love since your an adult." She replied and I sighed. "I'll see you guys later." I said paying for the meal and left the stand. I walked down the road to the gates and stared out into the road out of Konoha. "KAKASHI." I heard a loud voice calling out. But I shook it off thinking it was just the wind. "KAKASHI, HELP ME." I heard that voice again. I bolted out of the gates making Izumo and Koetsu shout after me. I saw pale blue hair with red in places. 

"Your late again." said a Masked man wearing a cloak with red clouds sitting on top of her. He disappeared in swirl and I ran to the woman. "Ka-kashi." She said weakly and I quickly removed the hair from her face. "Akari, Akari." I said hugging her and lifting her up bridal style. "Don't close your eyes please, kari." I said and she opened them but they were still half lidded. "I'm sor-ry Ka-kashi." Akari said clutching harder onto the scroll she was holding. "Don't worry, I'll get you to the hospital." I said increasing my speed. "Kakashi who is that." Izumo said as soon as I entered the village. "I'll explain everything to lord third." I said running into the village. I entered the Hospital and many of the people turned towards me and Akari. "What happened." A nurse said coming to me with a stretcher. (Idk Real name of that bed thingy) 

"I don't know, I found her this way." I said and she nodded looking at her. "Kakashi, please don't go" Akari said weakly and my heart shattered. "I'll be at the Hokages office, and I'll be back aright." I said and she nodded as she was taken into a ward. "Hatake san, before you go I need some information on her." A nurse said coming to me. "Her name is Akari Kato, presumed KIA after loss of contact." I said and she wrote it down. "What is your relation to her." The nurse asked. "I'm her boyfriend." I said quickly and she nodded and left with the clipboard. 

I knocked twice on the door and received a come in from the other side and I entered. "Kakashi, Izumo and Koetsu has already told me, but I'm curious who this woman is." Lord third said. "Akari. it was her, and she had this scroll with her when she came back." I said handing him a bloodied scroll. "She completed her mission, even though she almost died." Lord third said opening the scroll. "You can leave now Kakashi and you are relieved of missions, till she is back in shape." Lord third said and I left the office and headed towards the hospital. "Kakashi sensei, who was that lady you were just carrying." Naruto asked and a couple of heads turned towards us. "Come here you three." I said and made them follow me into Akari's room. She was sleeping peacefully. "Your Kakashi Hatake right." A nurse asked and I nodded.

"Well a friend of mine told me that you might have questions about her. she said motioning to the bed. "She's alright mostly, just lack of nutrients and many minerals, she's under weight, and she has three broken ribs on both sides, two wounds on her arms and legs mostly from chains. Also bruises in many parts of her body, a wound on her lower stomach, and lastly a small gash on her forehead, other than that she's fine." She said and left while I slowly processed everything. "Kakashi sensei you okay." Sakura said and I hummed while walking to a chair by the bed. "Kakashi sensei who is she." Naruto asked again and I sighed. "You guys won't know her, much but Sasuke does." I said and Sasuke looked at me interested. "Her name is Akari Kato, and she is my best friend and, lover." I said looking at her sleeping form.    

"Akari Kato, I know that name she's like the daughter of the legendary Sannin Lady Tsunade." Sakura said and I looked at her amazed. "Yeah your right Sakura, now you guys should probably head home." I said and they left one by one.