Training for the Exams

Akari's POV

"The chunin exams, that's what the ninja from sand were talking about." Sakura said as soon as Kakashi gave them the forms. "So you guys met some of you're competition already." I said and Naruto scrunched up his face. "Did something happen between you guys?" I asked and no one answered. "Well youy guys decide this, and go to the room at three o'clock sharp." Kakashi said and he dismissed them. "I've got a mission." Kakashi said turning to me. "I'll see you later, I guess." I said and pecked his masked lips before walking away. "Yeah, see you later." Kakashi called out from behind me. I walked down the road looking around the village preparing for the chunin exams and I bumped into something.

I looked down to see a red head standing in front of me. He has a too familiar gourd on his back. "Gaara is that you?" I asked the kid and looked up to my face. His face was colder than before and he looked like something happened after I left. "It's you." Gaara said and I nodded. "I need to go." He said and walked away leaving a confused me. I shrugged heading towards my destination. I knocked twice on the door and it was opened by an annoyed Uchiha. "Hey Sasuke, can we talk?" I asked and he tried to close the door but I stopped it with me foot.

"Hn." He said opening the door wide enough for me to get in. "This is really important, alright." I said and Sasuke didn't respond. "It's about Itachi." I said and that got his attention. "Are you going to train me?" Sasuke asked and I shook my head. "I need you to do something, but I can't tell you before the second round of the chunin exams." I said and he nodded slightly. "Before the mascara, did Itachi act weird?" I asked him. "He killed Shisui." Sasuke said and my eyes widened.

"Listen Sasuke, I will help you if you make it through the first two rounds." I said and he blinked in disbelief. "But I'm planning to kill Itachi, and you are against it, I'd rather train alone if you would fail my plans." Sasuke said. "I'll ask Kakashi to teach you the jutsu he made." I said knowing that Sasuke would want to learn it. "Fine." Sasuke said trying to make it sound like he didn't care. I smiled and walked out of the house completing a part of my plan.

I headed towards the training grounds to meet Kurenai, since we made plans for the day. "Akari just the person I needed." She said and I rose and eyebrow. "Can you spar with Hinata please?" Kurenai asked dragging me to the training grounds. "I thought you were done already." I said as we stopped. "Well she asked me to spar with her, you know to boost her confidence, and Kiba also asked me, so I want your help so I could speed things up." She explained. I agreed and got into a fighting stance with Hinata. "Bayakugan." She said and we began I fought mostly defensive dodging her blows using my speed. She's pretty good even if she trained away from the clan. I thought jumping back to dodge one of her attacks.

I went a little offensive as I thought about her moves. I got hold of one of her hands and twisted her taking her hand behind her. "One move and your hand will be broken." I said and Hinata panted surrendering. "That was pretty good Hinata." I said smiling and she smiled back. "Thank you." She said before going back to Kurenai who dismissed them all. "So I'm thinking you have lunch plans with Asuma huh." I said and she blushed slightly. "I know we planed to hang out." Kurenai said and I waved my hand around. "It's fine, I have something to do." I said and she let out a breath of relief.

I shun shined home before heading towards the Haruno residence. I reached the house and I saw a gloomy Sakura heading my way. "Sakura, how are you feeling?" I asked knowing the answer already. We ended up in Ichiraku while Sakura still looked upset. "Akari sensei, did you ever feel like you were useless." Sakura asked and I looked at her. "If you think you're useless, end you should train harder." I said not wanting to bring my past up. "But I." Sakura cut herself off pushing the bowl of ramen away from her half full. "I don't think Kakashi sensei wants to train me as much as the boys." Sakura finished and I thought about it.

Kakashi does push Naruto and Sasuke more than Sakura. I thought. "Sakura, what is your biggest strength?" I asked. "Kakashi sensei told me that, my chakra control is better than the boys." Sakura said thinking about it. "Alright then, we could work on that." I said and she looked at me confused. "Finish your bowl and meet me at the training grounds, you shouldn't neglect food just for some boy." I said and payed for our food before stepping out of that

Sakura came to the training grounds in fifteen minutes. "Now look closely." I said and I raised my fist punching the tree in front of me destroying the trees in the line. "How do you do that?" Sakura asked amazed. "I have perfect chakra control just like you, I can teach you how to do this but this is a very high ranked training." I said and Sakura looked at the tree and back at me. "I want to do it." She said determination gleaming in her voice. "This training usually comes with medical ninjutsu, but I'll teach you without it if you want that." I explained. "I want to learn medical ninjutsu, that way I can help out the boys since thy get hurt super easily." Sakura said after thinking about it for a while.

"We'll start your full training after the chunin exams, but right now we'll try some basics that can help you okay?" I said and she nodded swiftly. "First, I want you to give me the strongest punch you've got." I said and Sakura looked at the tree and ran at it punching as hard as she could and it created a pretty big crack. "Alright, now you need to add chakra to it, it's easier when you picture how chakra should flow into your hand." I explained. Sakura closed her eyes and focused on her chakra running to the tree, she punched the tree harder than the last time causing it to break in half.

"That was pretty good, lets go again." I said and Sakura nodded going for another punch. By the end of the day Sakura was able to get through two trees, and I told her that we would continue the training after she gets through the first round of Medical ninjutsu.

I walked home knowing Kakashi would be home by now, I opened the door and found Gai sitting on the couch trying to convince Kakashi for something. "What's going on?" I asked closing the door and Kakashi ran up to me as fast as he could. "Gai wants to do a challenge, can you make up and excuse, please." Kakashi pleaded. "Gai, could you please leave, I have to talk to Kakashi about some things." I said remembering about Sakura. "But-" "You don't want to finish that." I cut him off raising my fist and Gai left the house quickly.

"We really don't have to talk about anything right?" Kakashi asked me scratching the back of his neck. "Actually we do." I said and walked to the couch sitting down. "What's going on?" Kakashi said sitting down beside me. "It's about Sakura, she was going to back down from the test, since she thought someone didn't train her enough." I said and Kakashi frowned. "I know you didn't give so much attention to her because of the boys, so I've started training her." I said. "I didn't even notice it." Kakashi sighed. "It's fine, also I negotiated with Sasuke today." I said and Kakashi glanced at me. "If he passes the second round, you're well, teaching him Chidori." I said making Kakashi sigh for the second time.

"So you're going to tell him then huh, Akari." Kakashi said and I nodded already having thought about it. "Sasuke has to know the truth about Itachi." I said.