Exams Begin

Akari's POV

Kakashi and I got ready to meet the kids at the starting room, while I was hoping that they'll be there on time. "Let's get going." I said exiting the room and Kakashi nodded from the couch. "They'll make it here, just calm down kari." Kakashi said as I was nervously tapping my foot on the ground. "Kakashi sensei, Akari sensei." Naruto shouted and I let out a sigh of relief. "Good luck you three, try your best alright." I said and winked at the three on our secret plan. Naruto ran at Kakashi while dragging Sasuke, and Sakura ran behind them. They jumped onto Kakashi together making him lose his balance surprised by the sudden action.

"See ya senseis." Naruto shouted entering the room. I smirked at Kakashi who was still in shock from the kids hugging him. "This was your planning right." Kakashi said dusting himself off while I giggled. "Of course, who else would think something like that." I said and waved at Kurenai as she was walking towards us. "It's good to see you together all the time again, I mean Kakashi's practically smiling all day long." Asuma said and Kurenai nudged him with her elbow. "How's your team mostly like?" Kurenai asked as we sat down at the lounge. "Well, Naruto and Sasuke are mainly rivals, and Sakura...." Kakashi trailed away and I sighed. "Sakura's getting better, she's got a couple moves no one knows about." I said and smirked and Kakashi raised an eyebrow, not knowing what I was talking about.

"How about the new generation of ino-shika-cho?" I questioned Asuma. "They're quite a handful, Choji loves to eat, but in a ninja perspective he's too kind, as for Shikamaru, he's smart but lazy at the same time. And Ino, she lives in the world of fangirls, even though she has a lot of potential, I just think she's too head over heels for Sasuke." Asuma said and Kurenai giggled. "I guess every generation has a prodigy and his or her fangirls." Kurenai said and I deadpanned. "Oh come on, I bet one of you would have enjoyed being hollered my people." She said and I thought about it.


"I think we outran them." I said to Kakashi panting. "I hate fangirls." he exclaimed with hands on his knees in exhaustion. "Well there's a solution, I can handle girls and you, can handle boys." I said and Kakashi nodded understanding the plan. We transformed into each other and went back into the village. I got carried away by the girls who were fawning over Kakashi. "Kakashi kun, please date me." A girl squealed making me roll my eyes. "Get some respect for yourselves, you're all pathetic, focus on being a ninja instead of fawning over people." I said and walked away from the stunned crowd of girls. "Did you hear what Kakashi kun said, he'll probably date with the girl who graduates the quickest." The leader squealed and I face palm.

"Well out problem is solved, for now." Kakashi said as we met after getting out of the crowds. "What did you do anyways?" I asked and Kakashi just shrugged. "Come on, dad said to bring you along for dinner tonight." Kakashi said and I followed him to his house.

Flashback end

"Yeah loved it." I said sarcastically. "It looks likes the first round is over." Asuma said looking at the gate and I saw the kids head to the next spot. "It looks like all teams of Konoha passed." I said looking at the separate team.

We went our different ways before heading towards the camera room. "Kakashi, what did you tell my fanboys when we were kids?" I asked Kakashi and he closed the book putting it back into his pouch. "I might have threatened them if the don't leave you alone, they might not survive any longer." Kakashi said and my eyes widened. "You didn't." I said and he shrugged before I smacked him at the back of his head. "Baka Kakashi." I said walking ahead and Kakashi walked up to me. "We were trying to get rid of them." He said in defence.

"We have to head to the camera room." I said and he nodded before we shun shined to the room. The team sticked together pretty well, I looked around the room to see many Jonin looking at all of the teams continuing through the test. "You have got quite a student." Ibiki said and I turned to him with Kakashi who looked up from his book. "I can't believe I let a participant pass with only answering the 10th question." Ibiki said and I realized who he was talking about. "Naruto." I exclaimed and he nodded. "He's one of a kind." He said and turned to a screen as it started buzzing.

I walked out the room and sensed an all too familiar chakra. I froze on the spot making Kakashi who was silently following me crash right into me. "Akari is something wrong?" Kakashi said looking at me.

Kakashi's POV

I followed Akari out of the room quietly, as not to disturb her. She stopped walking and I bumped into her making me grab her by the waist to balance us both. "Akari is something wrong?" I asked her seeing her panicked expression. "He's here." She said making me more confused, and people were starting to stare at us since we stopped in the middle of the road. "We can't talk here." I said and grabbed her before shun shining home.

"We can't stay home, the kids might be in danger." Akari exclaimed trying to walk out of the house and I pulled her back by her arm. "Who is here Akari." I asked as she tried to get away. "Orochimaru." She said and I sighed.

"Akari, if Orochimaru was here then lord third would have found out by now." I said. "We have to-" Akari paused and looked at me. "You don't believe me." She said sounding betrayed. "Akari, It's not-" I started. "No, you don't believe me Kakashi, I'm telling the truth, I'm not that traumatized to feel that Orochimaru is going to come after me Kakashi." Akari said angrily making me feel slightly guilty and angry at the same time.

"I don't treat you like you are traumatized Akari, I'm just saying that just for once you might be wrong about this, I don't know what happened to you, but lately it feels like you don't trust me, you question everything I do, it's like I have to deal with a toddler when it comes to you." I yelled blinded by rage.

"That's how you really think huh." Akari said in a quiet voice and I realized what I said. "Akari I didn't mean-" "It's fine Kakashi, you won't have to deal with me anymore, I'm sorry I was too much of a burden to you." Akari said cutting me off. Before I could recover from shock she flickered out of sight. I sighed taking my head in my hands. What have I done, what if she's right." I though sighing.