Remaking Bonds

Akari's 'POV

I was woken up by a hawk that was tapping on the window, and I bolted up rushing to get to the Hokage's office. When got out of the bathroom I saw Kakashi near the door sleepily. He went into the bathroom without saying a word and I got dressed. We shun shined to the ANBU headquarters together and I found two ANBU on two tables fully covered. "They were killed during the evening scout around the village." Lord third said and I internally sighed. Hayate came bursting into the room and calmed down when he saw that Yugao was fine. "Akari, you said in your report that, your team encountered Orochimaru in the Forest of death, am I right." Ibiki questioned and I nodded.

"Is there anything else to add." Shikaku asked turning to the both of us. "It seems that Orochimaru wants to make Sasuke Uchiha his next vessel." Kakashi said putting his hands into his pockets. "And Kabuto Yakushi is an associate of Orochimaru, we saw him in Sasuke's room, and he also managed to get a blow on Kakashi." I added. We discussed about Orochimaru, and Hayate was sent out to keep an eye on Kabuto.

"So are you planning on entering ANBU again?" Kakashi asked as we were walking back home. "Not really." I said and I opened the door to our apartment. "Oh really." Kakashi said pinning me to the wall next to the door swiftly. "I want to sleep Kakashi." I said hoping he would move away but he wouldn't budge. "Kakashi." I wined. "I know that I said that I'll wait till your ready to talk, but I think we really have to talk about things." Kakashi said as I kept pushing him away. "I really don't want to talk about it." I said and Kakashi closed the distance between us.

He pulled his mask down and took off his headband, as his sharingan eye opened, making the atmosphere suffocating, then brought his hands down to my arms and trapped me completely. "Kashi." I said nervously and he kissed me silencing me. The kiss was different it was not as passionate as before, he licked my bottom lip for entrance and I complied lost in the moment. Kakashi pulled away and both of us were gasping for air. "Kakashi." I yelped as he lifted me up bridal style and carried me to the room settling me into the bed. I saw a smirk on his face and I realised that this would be a long night.

I woke up as the sunlight faded through the window, and I instantly felt for the alarm clock. I checked the time and I turned to push Kakashi away from me. "Morning." Kakashi said opening his eye. "I'm going to kill you." I said sitting up getting away from Kakashi. "You didn't say anything important about today." He said sitting up with me. "You know what, never mind that, I'm going to get Sasuke out of the hospital." I said hobbling to my feet and getting into the bathroom. "Kari." Kakashi wined as I hurried to get into my clothes. "I'm going." I said pecking his forehead and I headed out to the hospital knowing how impatient Uchihas are.

I sighed as I reached the doors of the hospital and I saw Sasuke standing at the reception already. "Hey Sasuke." I said stopping at in front of him and he turned to me. This kid's cold. I thought before I saw a small sparkle in his eyes. "Did you have breakfast yet?" I asked and he shook his head. "Are you really going to train me.?" Sasuke asked as we settled down at a tea shop. "Of course, why else would I bring you out." I said and I saw hurt flash through Sasuke's eyes.

The walk to our destination went quietly as I was trying to think of a way to tell Sasuke about Itachi. "Where are you going?" Sasuke questioned as I changed our route and entered the Uchiha shrine. "We have some things to talk about." I said going around the shrine into the small wood area we used to go before. "Remember this place." I asked him and he didn't respond. We sat down on a bridge looking over a lake together and I took out a scroll. A copy of the real scroll with all of the information about the mascara. "I want you to read this very carefully." I said handing it to Sasuke the scroll.

He read the scroll thoroughly and just stared at it for a while. "I'm telling you this because, I want you to understand Sasuke." I said ruffling his hair and I noticed that he was shaking. I took the scroll from Sasuke and pulled him into an embrace. "I'm sorry we weren't as close as before, I'm still recovering Sasuke." I said and I heard him sniffle into the embrace. "Sasuke." I said as he pulled away from me wiping his eyes. "I-I thought you preferred Naruto over me, cause you were with him the other day, Akari nii." Sasuke said and I smiled at how he said my name.

"I do have some relation to Naruto too, but I would never choose him over you Sasuke, for me not of you are very alike." I said poking his forehead. "So I want you to be a little nicer to him okay." I said in a serious tone. "But you still did promise to train me. Or at least make Kakashi do it." Sasuke said going stoic again. "Well he'll start training you in two days, Kakashi's going to teach you chidori." I said and he lit up. "Anyways I'll be training Sakura, so he can be as harsh as he wants with you." I said and laughed when Sasuke showed fear in his eyes.

"So no more Itachi okay." I said walking out of the uchiha compound together. "Hn." He replied. "Words are important Sasuke." I said tickling him. We goofed off on the road heading towards the training grounds and Sasuke smiled. "Hey Sasuke, you're late." Naruto shouted as we made it to the training grounds. "Hn." Sasuke responded and I gave him a small smack on his head. "Akari sensei, are you going to train me." Sakura asked seeing me. "First things first, alright." I said to her turning to the team since Kakashi was not there yet.

"So all three of you made it to final round, which is great ya know." I said smiling at them. "So Kakashi and I talked, and we decided how you guys are going to train." I said and I saw Naruto brighten up. "Sasuke will be training with Kakashi, and Sakura would be training with me, as for you Naruto I asked someone who would love to train you." I said and Naruto jumped up in joy hugging me. "Thank you Akari sensei, who is it, I bet it's someone cool." Naruto said still attached to me. "I'll tell you, Naruto." I said moving him away from me.

"Sakura, I want to see you tomorrow at seven am at the Hokage library, and Sasuke, just wait till Kakashi drops by at your house." I said dismissing both of them. "Okay Naruto, now your new sensei, is going to be somewhere around the hot springs, just look for a white haired loud man, and give him this." I said handing him a scroll. "See ya sensei." Naruto said running off.

I felt a presence behind me and I turned around punching the person into the trees nearby. "You can't be that mad huh." Kakashi said getting up brushing dust off himself. "I'm going home." I said walking away from him making him follow me. "Lets go then." Kakashi said shun shining us home. "I need to sleep okay, kashi." I said feeling a little dizzy. "Whoa Akari, are you alright." Kakashi said as I almost fell back. "I'm fine." I responded feeling oddly tired. "You're burning up." He said bringing his hand to my forehead. "I'll be fine when I wake up." I said and Kakashi gave in taking me to our room and helping me settle into bed. I fell asleep as soon as by head hit the pillows.