
Akari's POV

I woke up with a start, and my ears started ringing with a splitting headache. I groaned lying back down on the bed. I heard the front door open and footsteps coming towards the room. "Kari, are you awake." Kakashi asked and I opened my eyes halfway. "I'm awake." I said and I heard my voice. "I got you some medicine, and you should probably take a shower to calm the fever down." Kakashi cooed making me sigh. "I'm fine, I'll just take a shower, and go meet Sakura for training." I said and hopped on to my feet which was an all too bad idea. I stumbled back tired falling into Kakashi's arms.

"Hello." Kakashi said smirking at me. "Hi, what time is it." I asked and Kakashi glanced at the clock. "It's nine forty seven." Kakashi said casually. "What." I yelled and regretted it when my ears rang more. We turned to someone banging on the door and Kakashi laid me back down on the bed. "Hey Sakura, what are you doing here." I heard Kakashi say and I face palmed. "Can I see Akari sensei please?" Sakura said sweetly and I knew she was upset. She walked into the room with Kakashi, and I just closed my eyes. "Sensei, are you sick?" Sakura asked concern lacing her voice.

"No, I'm completely fine." I said denying it. "She's sick Sakura, just won't admit it." Kakashi said and I rolled my eyes which made the headache worse. "Oh, get well soon sensei, I'll just wait till you feel better to train." Sakura said and bid goodbye leaving. "Anyways, lets get you showered up." Kakashi said and I heard a hint of amusement on his voice. "I can shower on my own, thank you very much." I said getting up slowly this time. I took a cold shower trying to calm my fever down at least a little. I stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of my clean pyjamas and I saw a warm cup of tea on the bed side table.

I sat on the bed drinking the tea and taking up the warmth of it and Kakashi entered the room with a plate. "You know Akari, I think you get sick when you go into the forest of death." Kakashi joked and I poked him in the ribs. "It's just a bug." I said grumpily. "I remember a time that you got a fever, and I had to bring you home." Kakashi said bringing up an old mission.


"I'm home." I said entering an empty apartment as always. I walked into the bathroom taking a shower and I got ready for bed not in the mood to eat anything after the mission I was on. I was woken up in the morning by someone knocking the door furiously and I yawned walking to the door. As soon as it was unlocked the door plunged open and I saw Fugaku san standing on the other side.

"Morning." I said waking myself up. "I need you to keep an eye on itachi and Sasuke for a day." He said and I internally sighed. There goes my off day. I thought. "I'll be there in a minute." I said and he nodded as I closed the door. "Just one day." I yelled out into the apartment walking into my room again. I got ready quickly in a rush and got dressed in my casual outfit. Which consisted of a black sleeveless top, with black pants, and a white jacket over the shirt.

I knocked on the door of the Uchiha household. It was opened by Itachi and I saw Sasuke crawling towards him from behind. "Hey guy, did your parent already leave." I said picking Sasuke up and throwing him in the air making him laugh. "They just left, Mom said something about an emergency mission." Itachi said as we walked into the kitchen. "So what do you guys want to do." I asked setting Sasuke down next to his toys. "I was going to meet Shisui, if that is okay." Itachi asked and I pursed my lips. "You guys going to train, huh." I said and he nodded. "Alright, you can go but don't overexert okay." I said and he smiled walking out of the house quickly.

"So you and me Sasuke. Do you want to go annoy Kakashi." I cooed at him and he giggled to me. I walked to Kakashi's apartment and I saw that he wasn't home. "Guess we're going back home, Sasuke." I said and flickered home. I slept with the two of them which ended up in waking up with a lot of nightmares. Mikoto san and Fugaku san retuned the other day and I bid goodbye walking home. I changed into a Jonin outfit and headed straight to the Hokage tower.

"Good to see you Akari, I hope you like a solo mission." Gramps said handing me the mission scroll. I bowed before I flickered out of the office and to the gate.

The mission went well, and I got a spliting headache as I was racing back home and I had to stop as I felt nausea wash over me. I leaned on the trunk of a tree and I heard a whistling noise. I managed to take out a Kunai right on time to block the attack of the ambusher.

I saw a man wearing an orange mask and he aimed another Kunai at me. "It's you." I said flipping back dodging his kunai. He managed to get a couple blows on me and I saw red come down from my head to my forehead. I started feeling dizzy and I fell back losing my balance from the branch I was on. I felt a weapon pierce my arm as I fell down. I closed my eyes ready for the impact but someone caught me and I heard the sharp sound of a thousand birds. "Akari are you okay." Kakashi said and I nodded with half lidded eyes. He took one of his gloves off touching me on the forehead. "You're sick, what were you thinking going on a solo mission." Kakashi scolded me and I just closed my eyes.

Kakashi brought me back to Konoha and I got patched up in the hospital before he took me home. "What were you thinking Akari." Kakashi said laying me down on the bed after letting me have a bath. "I didn't know I had a fever." I said in defence and Kakashi handed me a glass of juice. "Did you sleep last night." He asked as I finished the glass. "Yeah, I did." I lied and I looked up to see the sharingan staring at me. "Why, though." He said handing me a couple of pills.

"I'm fine, thanks." I said after swallowing the pills. The thermometer beeped and I quickly took it out hiding it from Kakashi. "Akari, don't you dare hide that thermometer from me." Kakashi said lunging at me and he pinned me down the the bed taking the thermometer away. "You have a pretty high temperature." He mumbled putting it away. "You know Akari, as much as I want you to rest right now, it's really freaking me out how easy it is for me to hold you down right now." Kakashi said worry pooling his eyes. "Let's get some sleep right, I have an idea why you haven't slept." He said getting off me and we settled in the bed.

Flashback end

Kakashi's POV

"Yeah, we started dating just then right." Akari said smiling sleepily. "Yup, and you were as stubborn as you are now." I said kissing her forehead. "Time to sleep." I said and she nestled her head into my chest more. "Thanks Kakashi." Akari said settling on the bed. "What about." I said surprised at the comment. "For always being there for me." She said and I felt something wet on my chest. "I can say the same for you, kari." I said wiping a tear off her face. I kissed her gently and she smiled. "Don't blame me for getting you sick Hatake." Akari said poking me in the chest and I chuckled. "I would never." I said to her cuddling up again.