Obito Uchiha


"O- Obito." I gasped as my eyes widened in surprise. "Nice to see you again Akari." Obito said and I felt tears gathering in my eyes.

~Let us Continue~

Akari's POV

"B- but how?" I said still trying to recover. "I was saved by a man, who suffered the same fate as I did." Obito said walking towards me. "You were alive, all this time." I said and he nodded. "Why?" I muttered out. "What do you mean." Obito asked and I looked straight into his visible eye. "You were alive this whole time, and you never came back, did you just enjoy seeing the rest of us suffer, we all mourned for you, Kakashi still feels guilty about it, and you're just living like this." I yelled at him my hair floating into the air as my emotions swirled.

"You want to know why I never came back." Obito said walking closer making me step back away from him. "It is because Kakashi let Rin die, he killed her." He shouted as my back hit the wall of the cell. "I feel like he should suffer more, and it was fine when you were stuck here." Obito finished and realisation hit me like a brick wall. "You were the masked man, you took me off my mission, you're the one who even killed Minato sensei, aren't you. Obito how could you." I shouted at him and he frowned. "Why did you change Obito, you can't just change who you are, not just because of Rin." I said and he just smirked.

"Rin died because she wanted to protect the leaf village, she wanted die from the hands of the person she loved. It was Konohas fault she died, Minato sensei's death is was not planned, I only wanted to see Konoha burn for what they did." Obito explained to me. "I only took you from your mission, Akari it was only because you were endangering my plans." Obito said and I reached for my weapons pouch to find it was not there. "I thought you might join me, or at least go rouge after what Konoha did to Itachi. Guess not, this time I'll destroy your undying love for Kakashi, he will suffer and so will you." Obito said and he disappeared in a swirl before I could attack him.

I looked at the door of the cell, my only way out and the lock clicked open. A man entered the room he had silver hair slicked to the back of his head and he was holding a Triple-Bladed Scythe on his shoulder like it weighed nothing. "Well beautiful, guess I got the first turn." He said before he threw the scythe at me and I quickly dodged it. "Feisty are we." He said and the scythe came at me and I jumped away, but I wasn't fast enough. He managed to get a small cut on me and he smiled in satisfaction. "This'll do." He said stabbing himself, and drew something on the ground with his blood before he cut his thigh.

But unlike other times I actually felt the pain where he cut himself. He took his scythe again and this time he stabbed himself at the side of his stomach. I coughed up blood and tried to heal the wound on my side, but I couldn't because I was kicked back into the wall of the cell. The man kicked me on the side my chest and I heard an unpleasant cracking sound. I coughed up more blood and screamed in pain as he stepped on my wounded side of the stomach. "That'll do the trick, you're lucky I can't kill you." He said and he left the cell letting me bleed out on the floor.

Kakashi's POV

I was woken up by the rays of the rising sun fading through the window. I rubbed my eyes getting up from the ground I slept on last night after everything that happened. The sound of cracking in my bones was heard in the empty apartment as I stretched. Time to start the day. I thought entering my room to get ready.

I walked out of the apartment complex into the sunny streets of Konoha which to me didn't seem sunny anymore. I saw Sasuke in the Yamanaka flower shop and I decided to stalk him. Sasuke stepped out of the shop holding a bouquet of plum blossoms, with cherry blossoms, and one daffodil in the middle. Is that for Sakura. I thought as I saw Sasuke look around him before running up the roofs.

"Are you visiting Sakura too." I said standing behind Sasuke in the reception area. He froze up and I saw him try to hide his bouquet. "She's awake now, she's in room 210." The nurse behind the counter said and both of us nodded. We walked together in silence and I saw Lee sitting in the chair next to Sakura's bed. "Kakashi sensei, is Akari sensei alright?" Sakura asked as soon as she saw me and I sighed. "She's missing Sakura." I said breaking the news to her and she gasped covering her mouth. Rock Lee excused himself out of the room after he received a death glare from Sasuke.

"These are for you." Sasuke said handing Sakura the bouquet and he instantly looked away from her. I saw pink dust his cheeks and I realised that if Akari was here she would tease him for sure. "Thank you Sasuke kun." Sakura said accepting the flowers and I looked at her since I expected her to squeal. "Sasuke, we have to begin our training." I said to him and he nodded. "Get better soon okay Sakura." I said and we left the room heading towards our training site. "Are you going to go search for her." Sasuke asked me as we were walking away from the village.

"I would love to, but I can't." I said and he looked at me surprised. "How can you say that, I bet if you were the one who was missing, Akari nii would have already left the village, with or without permission." Sasuke yelled at me upset. "I'm sure that is true, but this time it's different Sasuke." I said and he shot me a glare. "I miss her too, you know." I sighed and Sasuke just decided not to respond. I'm sorry Sasuke, I have already put my faith in someone else. I thought looking up at the clouds.

Unknown POV

I looked around hideout walking causally as always. "I need you to wipe her memories, she can't love Kakashi Hatake if she no longer remembers him." Madara Uchiha said coming in front of me. "I'll get to it in a minute, but I can't have an audience not even Zetsu can be there." I said putting my plan into action.


"Kakashi, why did you use Akari's signal for me." I asked. "She's been Kidnapped by the Akautsuki, my ninkens found a patch of black robe with a red cloud." Kakashi said and my eyes widened. "I'm not asking you to risk everything, but Akari has been trying to fix things, I know that she is also like family to you." He continued. "I'll try." I said turning away from Kakashi.

Flashback end