Return of an Uchiha

Itachi's POV (Surprise! Did you guess it right)

I walked into the cell and I saw Akari nii laying in a puddle of blood. I rushed to her lifting her head up to my lap, while I checked for wounds. "Akari nii." I called out to her tapping her on the cheek. She shuffled before blinking her eyes open. She looked up to see me and her eyes widened. "Itachi, what are you doing." She asked sitting up touching her side. "We need to get out." I whispered to her. "But I haven't handed the scroll to the Hokage yet." Akari nii said concern lacing her voice.

"Kakashi san has that covered." I said and Akari nii nodded standing up with my help. We got out of the cell into the empty halls of the hideout or so I thought. "Well well, Itachi Uchiha, who would have thought you would betray the organization like this." Madara said leaning next to the wall. I stood in front of Akari nii protectively, not really knowing what he's capable of.

Akari's POV

"Use it Itachi." I muttered to him looking at Obito who straightened up. "You are in a losing fight Obito." I said stepping next to Itachi. I started making hand signs and he did the same. I ran at him instead of conjuring a jutsu surprising him. I punched Obito in the chest and he fell back by surprise. "He's not Madara." I heard Itachi mumble and I looked at him raising one eyebrow. "Be ready for my signal." I said checking up if my wound opened.

"Fire style: Fire ball Jutsu." Obito shouted and a huge fire ball came at us. We jumped back trying to not get burned. "Lightning style: Chain current." I said clasping my hands to the ground sending a wave of lightning at Obito. He looked surprise and he looked up to me but he saw Itachi instead. "Tsukuyomi." Itachi said and after seconds Obito was panting barely standing up. I punched his face knocking him out for the time being. "Let's get out of here." I said and we started running to the exit. I saw the sunlight and I looked around the forest unable to pinpoint which way Konoha was.

"Konoha's this way." Itachi said directing me to a path. "We're not really far, maybe a day or so." Itachi said as we were jumping through the forest. "How's Kakashi?" I asked him knowing that they talked. "He looked fine, but I don't really know." He replied. We went on for a while and I looked at Itachi, he discarded his Akatsuki cloak and now he was wearing his old shirt, with out the high collar. "Itachi, how is the chakra disease." I said as we stopped for a small break. "I'm alright, it has been better since you gave me the medicine, Akari nii." Itachi said as we began running to Konoha again.

"Just make sure to check up with me after a week or so, alright." I said and he nodded I saw the forest parting and there was a dirt path. I smiled knowing that we were getting closer to home.

Kakashi's POV

I turned our bedroom upside-down before I finally managed to find the scroll about Itachi's mission. "Come in." I heard the Hokage's voice and I entered the room to find the other elders inside too. Before I could say anything a Jonin bursted into the room. "Lord Hokage, Itachi Uchiha is at the village gates." Izumo said and I saw Danzo's face turn slightly pale. "Relax will ya." I heard the voice I've been waiting to hear for a long time. "Akari." Lord third said as she entered the room with Itachi in a tow.

ANBU entered the room and lord third raised his hand stopping them from attacking. "What is the meaning of this." Danzo said and Akari smirked turning to me. "Well, some things have to change." Akari said handing lord third the scroll that I gave her. He read the scroll thoroughly before sighing. "Who else knows about this." lord third asked rubbing his temples. "Just the two of us." I said and he looked towards Itachi. "I guess we'll be posting announcements." lord third responded and Akari lightened up.

"Shikaku will interrogate you Itachi, and after that you're a free man." Lord third said and the other elders stared in astonishment.

Akari's POV

After Itachi was sent with Shikaku, lord third turned to me. "I suppose you have a report to give." gramps said and I nodded. "I was taken by a masked Akatsuki member, I found out his true identity, in the last week." I said and I glanced at Kakashi. I took a breath before breaking the news. "The man was, Obito Uchiha, pronounced KIA at the age of 12." I said and everyone's eyes widened. "Are you sure child." Kaharu san said and I nodded. "The right side of his face was disfigured, which was from his last mission." I said glancing shortly at the shocked Kakashi next to me.

"He has a grudge against Konoha, and some ninjas we have in the village, his goal was to make me turn to the organization, and letting go of Konoha." I explained. "Thank you Akari, I believe you may be injured and need some rest, so I'm giving you a couple days off missions, same to you Kakashi." Lord third said and I nodded grabbing onto Kakashi's hand practically dragging him out of the office.

"Lets go home." I said before flickering him home with me. I saw Sasuke on the couch with a couple of scratches, he looked at me surprised before he jumped onto me. I fell to the floor with Kakashi still attached to my arm. "I didn't know you missed me that much Sasuke." I said patting his hair. I heard Kakashi groan and I turned my head towards him.

"I have to get cleaned up, okay." I said getting Sasuke off me. "Hn." He said and I got up to my feet walking into the bedroom and I saw Kakashi sitting on the bed. I sat down next to him tired from everything that happened for the past week. "Is Sakura okay?" I asked him and he nodded making me let out a breath of relief. "Kakashi." I called out to him and he faced me. "Was it really Obito." Kakashi asked and I nodded and I looked more closely at his face. He had bags under his eyes and the part surrounding them were red, probably from crying.

"Oh Kakashi." I said pulling him into an embrace. He wrapped his hands around me tightly as if I would disappear. "I thought something happened to you, I had nightmares of your dead corpse, you said that it was all my fault." Kakashi said sniffling and I rubbed his back soothing him. "It's going to be alright, I'm right here Kakashi." I said as he kept sniffling. "I'm so glad your safe." Kakashi said breaking away. "Yeah, me too, but I really need a shower." I said getting up from the bed and stretching my beat up body.

I stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a blue sweater and sweatpants. There was a knock on the door as I stepped out of the room. Sasuke headed to the door and I smiled knowing who it was. The door opened and Itachi was on the other side and Sasuke froze on the spot. "Sasuke." Itachi said equally surprised and I walked up to the door opening it wider letting him inside.

"How did it go?" I asked Itachi and he showed me a new headband. "I'm a jonin, for now." He replied and Sasuke turned around to us. "Niisan." Sasuke said and I headed to the kitchen letting them have their moment. "You planned this out right." I said poking Kakashi in the chest. "No one can prove it." Kakashi replied making me smile. "How's the training going." I asked chopping us some tomatoes. "He's learning pretty quickly, Sakura also asked me to teach her genjutsu." Kakashi said and I poured the tomatoes into a pot. "She's really working hard to catch up to the two isn't she." I said and I felt Kakashi peck my cheek.

"It's good to have you back." He said hugging me from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder making me giggle.