Akari Special AU part 2

Akari's POV

I stared at Kakashi in disbelief as he sat back on the bed. "So do you remember anything from last night." Kakashi asked as I also sat up. "Nothing much, why do you care anyways. As far as I know, I'm only a rouge that's what I am to you." I said and I saw his eye widen slightly. "Since you're sober, why did you mascara the clan." Kakashi asked ignoring my statement. "I wanted to see how strong I was." I said and Kakashi moved closer making me move back slightly. "That's not what you said last night." Kakashi said and my eyes widened.

"It was a mission, for the betterment of Konoha, wasn't it." He said moving even more and my back hit the headboard of the bed. "N-no." I stuttered as we were now inches apart. "Why would you sacrifice your life like that." Kakashi said slamming his hand into the headboard centimeters from my head. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." I said and Kakashi knitted his eyebrows together, clearly annoyed. "Stop lying, Akari." Kakashi yelled making me flinch at his tone. "It was for Konoha, I-I di- didn't have a choice." I stuttered trying to blink back the tears that started gathering in my eyes.

"There's always a choice." Kakashi said and anger was still evident in his voice. "It was either me or Itachi." I said trying to regain my composure. "Then why didn't you tell me." He asked his voice calmer than before. "I-I.....don't know." I whispered letting the tears slide down my cheeks.

"I thought you trusted my enough to tell me something like this, or did you just want me to hate you." Kakashi said balling his hands as I just shook my head. "You're impossible." He said moving away from me. I looked up and I saw Kakashi begin to gather his belongings. "Kakashi, I-" "I don't want to hear it." Kakashi cut me off while sealing everything and putting them into his pouch. "If you are sorry or not, I don't want to know. It's not going to fix anything." He said getting up and heading to the door. "Check out in an hour, everything is paid." Kakashi said standing in the doorway. He closed the door without even looking back and the dam I was holding in broke.

Everything he said echoed back to me as I cried into the pillow. I got up after a while and got cleaned up before heading back to the base. I knew my eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, but I couldn't care about it anymore. I entered the base and Pein was waiting in the living room. "Akari." He shouted for me as I was heading for my room ignoring him. "You are to guard the base while the extraction is done." Pein ordered and I just nodded to him.

I packed all my things and headed towards the place we'd be working to extract the tailed beast. "Akari." I heard a voice behind me and someone hit me at the back of my head knocking me out.

When I came to I was in a dark room. I tried to move my hands only to find them chained to the wall. "I see that you're awake." Ibiki said entering the cell. "Nice to see you Ibiki, did you miss me." I said smirking slightly. "Consider yourself lucky, the Uchihas had the proof to get you out of here." Ibiki said as Inoichi entered the room with Itachi in a tow. "Tsunade sama, sees it fit to interrogate her before her home arrest." Inoichi said and Itachi activated his sharingan.

"By interrogate you mean use Itachi's sharingan to look into my mind." I asked and he nodded. "Unless you're going to talk." Ibiki said and I sighed. "I'll talk, my mind's not a pleasant place anyways." I said and Itachi deactivated his sharingan.

After they heard enough, I was escorted to the Hokage's office, where my mother was standing with her arms crossed. "You'll be on house arrest for three months, and will be staying in the village for the next six months, understand." She said sternly and I nodded. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it as I saw how disappointed she was. "Okaa san, I had my reasons to do this, I hope you understand that." I said before the door opened to the person that was keeping me under guard for the next three months. I turned to the person and my eyes widened.

Kakashi looked my way before nodding to my mother and he grabbed my hand shun shining us out of the office. He took me to the his place, the place we lived together before I became rouge. "The bedroom's there, and the things you need are also there, I'll call you when dinner is ready." Kakashi said not sparing me a glance. I felt an ache at the back of my head as I laid down on the bed looking around the room. I took a shower and got cleaned up before Kakashi came into the room.

"Give me your hand." Kakashi ordered and I knew what he was going to do. I hissed pulling my hand back as the seal entered my skin, however Kakashi didn't seem to notice the pain. "Dinner's done, go eat it." He said leaving the room. I sat down at the dinner table looking at the food not wanting to eat it. I poked it like a picky child before I took a bite, it tasted like home, like how kakashi's cooking always did. I took a couple bites of it and decided that was enough since I didn't have much of an appetite.

There's no point in anything if he would just ignore me for the rest of the three months. I thought as I washed the dishes.

~Timeskip two weeks~

Kakashi's POV

I looked up from my book as Akari poked her food slightly leaving it be and headed for her room. She hasn't been eating much and I started noticing that she was thinner that she ever was. I got up from the couch and took the plate of food which had nothing eaten from it and I headed to her room. I opened the door to see Akari curled up on her side. I placed the plate on the side table before sending a small spark of lightning chakra into the seal on her hand. She hissed rubbing her wrist to numb the slight pain.

I took her wrist letting some of my chakra flow through to stop the seal from hurting her. "Akari look at me." I said as she turned away from me. I grasped her chin and moved her head towards me and I saw her puffy eyes. She tried to squirm away from me but I held her down. "What's wrong." I asked wiping away a fresh tear.

"Why do you care, Hatake." Akari said and I sighed pulling her up into a sitting position. "I care a lot." I said pulling her into an embrace. "I worked so hard to bring you back, still you're not back." I said and she pushed me away from her. I knew she applied chakra into the push as she took her wrist in pain biting her lips to not make a sound. I took her hand and repeated what I did before.

"I'm not back, you treat me like I don't even exist. Even if I don't show it Kakashi it hurts, ever since I left and met you every time as a rouge it hurts here." She said putting her hand on her heart. "Even if you forgot everything between us, I didn't and I wouldn't." Akari finished tears streaming down her face.

I pulled her into another embrace and I let her cry into my chest letting it all out. I ran my fingers through her hair to calm her as she sobbed into me. "I will never forget anything that happened between us, I just wanted you to come to me, after everything to just talk to me with your feelings." I said as she pulled away from me. I cupped her cheeks bringing her into a kiss, which was salty due to her tears but I didn't mind.

"Now come one, you have to get something into your stomach." I said picking up the plate of food. "I'm not hungry." she responded but I took the chopsticks taking some of the rice and bringing to her lips. She sighed before opening her mouth and eating the food.

After dinner I cleaned everything up, before entering the room with the pillows I've been using for the past weeks. I laid down next to Akari allowing her to rest her head on my chest and snuggle into me as I read my book. I kissed her forehead as she was drifting into her land of dreams.