Unsealing the Curse Mark

Kakashi's POV

I was woken up early in the morning by someone knocking on the door. I grogilly walked up to it rubbing my eyes from the sleep. I opened it to find Naruto waiting outside for me. "Sasuke...in the hospital." Naruto said through pants and I heard footsteps behind me. "Naruto, are you alright." Akari said bending down to him as he tried to catch his breath. "Sasuke is in the hospital, something happened." Naruto said managing to connect his words together. "It's going to be okay Naruto, we're going to get there as soon as possible." I said trying to calm the blonde down. He nodded and Akari led him into the house.

"Stay here for a sec, you can go there with us." Akari said to him entering the bedroom. Akari and I got ready as quick as we could knowing how impatient Naruto can be in situations like this. "I'm going to get there and check on what happened." Akari said kissing me on the cheek before shun shining.

Akari's POV

I entered the hospital and headed to the emergency room. I bumped into Shizune who was also in a rush. "What happened." I asked her and she stopped for a second. "The seal started acting up, Itachi brought him here." She said quickly and pointed towards the old sealing chamber before rushing to her destination. "Itachi." I waved to him to catch his attention. "How is he?" I asked and he looked down. "I shouldn't have pushed him so much in training." He said and I made him sit in the waiting area.

"He's going to be fine, but this is going to take a while." I consoled him. I stood up and entered the room taking out the scroll containing the seal that I've been working on for the past month. "Akari." Shikaku san looked at me surprised. "Lord third did mention something about a seal you've been working on." Inoichi san said to him and I nodded handing him the scroll. "It's not much of a seal, but by looking through Anko's medical data, I've found out that Orochimaru's curse mark is a spiritual seal, which embeds some of his soul to the one who holds the marks." I explained as they looked through the information on the scroll.

"What is this sword." Shikaku san asked looking up from the scroll. "Totsuka sword is a sword with high capabilities, such as sealing something completely without leaving any trace of it. The only problem is that the sword can only be wielded by an Uchiha with a Susanoo, to be specific it's the highest level of any Susanoo." I explained it further and Inoichi san closed the scroll. "So as the information states, we need Sasuke to lose control as much as possible, to lure Orochimaru's spirit out of him?" Shikaku san questioned and I nodded. We heard a knock on the door before Itachi entered the room.

"Let's begin this then, we may be able to get rid of this curse mark forever." Inoichi san said leading us into the chamber. I saw Sasuke panting on the ground as the marks covered his body. "Akari, if you please." Shikaku san said to me and I approached him. I quickly made the hand signs needed to unseal the seal Kakashi put on Sasuke's curse mark. Sasuke screamed out as the lightning crackled and the seal disappeared. The marks started spreading out more, and Sasuke looked up and I saw that his left eye was similar to Orochimarus' eye.

"It's now or never Itachi." I said and Itachi's Susanoo filled the room. We stepped out for a while as Itachi took out his sword to seal the part of Orochimaru's soul away forever.

We entered after the screaming died down and the medic nins quickly rushed to Sasuke, who was now unconscious. I bent down near Itachi who was panting near one of the walls. "How much can you see." I asked him and he just shook his head coughing up a little bit of blood. "The curse mark is fully destroyed." Inoichi san said checking Sasuke's shoulder. "Let's get you into a ward too." I said to Itachi helping the Uchiha stand up. The medical ninjas took the brothers to give them their needed medical attention.

I exited the hospital after talking to the two members of Ino-Shika-Cho. I glanced around the village before heading towards the Hokage's office. "Mother." I shouted walking into her quarters only to find her drunk. I face palmed as she looked up from the books and scrolls that were on the desk. I looked at them and noticed the books were medical books. "Working on a treatment for Lee." I asked sitting down next to her as she rubbed her face. "That brats got me convinced for things." She said sitting up and I handed her a glass of water.

"I need your help with something." I said and she looked at me from head to toe. "Did the Hatake do something? No, don't tell me you're pregnant." Mother said shaking her head at me. "What, no....I'm not pregnant, it's not about my relationship with Kakashi." I said bashfully at the comments she made. "It's about Itachi's disease, I wrote to you a couple weeks ago about it." I said before she started jumping to more conclusions. "Yes I've looked into it a little." Mother said not looking at me. "I have worked out a cure, it would be hard to get." I said opening the scroll and placing it on top of the desk.

"There actually is an easier cure." Mother said after looking at the scroll. "Legend has it that Uchihas who unlock the mangekyou Sharingan transplants their eyes with another Uchiha who have unlocked it." She explained and I nodded. "Yeah, but that is not possible right now." I said and she agreed. "I will allow this, but... I will be the one conducting the surgery." She said making a condition. "Mother, I can handle it, I've done many while." I stopped talking as she raised her hand.

"You have too much of a bond with Itachi." Mother said and I sighed. " I did Kakashi's surgery." I said in my defense. "Akari, even I can see that you are not fully stable right now, you have two days off, just take a break." She said silencing me completely.

Kakashi's POV

Akari came into the house annoyance written all over her face. "What's up." I asked her as she took her shoes her off. "She doesn't think I can do the treatment on Itachi." She said annoyance clear in her voice. "Well, did she give you a reason." I said to her as she stormed into the kitchen. "Yeah, well I'm not fully stable, in her words." Akari responded and I sighed getting up from the couch. "I don't want you to feel like I'm not on your side, but your mother maybe right on this one." I said hugging her from behind as she was filling her glass with water.

"I know." she said as she put the glass down. "How about this, we have two days off, so why don't we enjoy it." I said snuggling into her neck a little. "Kashi I-" Akari said turning around but I cut her off by kissing her. I moved my hands to the back of her head feeling her soft hair and deepening the kiss. I moved my tongue into her mouth and she gave up letting me do whatever I wanted.

"Sensei?" We both pulled away hearing a female voice. "S-sakura." Akari stuttered her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. "Tsunade sama wanted me to....um give you this." Sakura said placing the scroll on the counter before scurrying out of the house as quick as she could.

I chuckled looking at Akari's red face and she punched my arm in return. "Come on." I said as I lifted her up bridal style walking into our room, leaving the scroll forgotten on the counter.