
Kakashi's POV

I opened my eye to the rays of sunshine bleeding through the curtains. I glanced down to the love of my life wrapped in nothing but a blanket snuggled next to me. I smiled as I moved the hairs that were on her face to the side, showing me her peaceful face. I bent down and kissed her forehead before getting up from the bed and entering the bathroom. After freshening up and getting ready for the day, I headed back into the room to wake Akari up.

"Maybe no." I said to myself deciding against it knowing how hard she'd been on herself. I prepared breakfast leaving some for Akari, before heading out of the house to complete the tasks I have set for myself. "Kakashi sensei." Naruto shouted out seeing me walking down the road, and I looked up from my book to see two of my students. "Yo." I said waving at them. "Did you hear, there is a festival tomorrow night." Sakura said excitement clear in her voice. "Hmm, I have not heard about it yet." I said to them thinking through. "Are you going to take Akari sensei to it." Sakura asked innocently but I was sure I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Of course." I said before bidding my goodbye and headed to the nara residence. "Asuma, nice seeing you here." I said as I saw him and Shikamaru playing shogi on the front porch of the Nara house. "Kakashi, up for a game." He asked but I waved the suggestion away. "I actually need to talk to you about something." I said giving him a serious look. "We'll be done in a minute." Shikamaru spoke playing his move, making a checkmate on Asuma. Asuma sighed admitting his defeat, he walked with me back into the village and I noticed that many people were walking around to many places to buy kimonos and such.

"So what is it that you need to talk about." Asuma asked me and I directed him towards a jewellery store. "Well, I have been thinking about this for a while." I said looking at the varieties of engagement rings. "When are you planning to do this." Asuma asked as an employee of the store came up to us. I glanced at the man before turning my gaze to the rings again. "Asuma, Kakashi?" I heard a questioning voice and I turned to the door to see Kurenai. She looked at the both of us before smirking. "Took you long enough, Kakashi." Kurenai said moving her right hand to her hip.

I selected a ring which I thought was very matching for Akari. It was a silver ring with a sapphire in the center, it had a design of a leaf on each side of the stone. "Are you sure, that the festival is the right time to do it." Asuma asked me earning a nudge from Kurenai. "I've never been sure about anything in my life except for this, I just have to tell Akari now." I said pocketing the small box. "Tell Akari what?" Akari spoke behind us making me jump in surprise.

"Um.. tell you about the festival, I mean we're going together, or you don't want to go, I mean you don't have to unless you want to go with me." I blabbered everything in my head abandoning my cool composure. "Are you okay Kashi." Akari asked barely containing her laughter. "Of course, I'm going. Kurenai and I are going shopping later." She smiled at me as I calmed myself down.

Asuma and Kurenai excused themselves leaving the both of us to talk as much as we wished. "I'm going to visit Itachi, want to come with me." She asked me and I nodded following her into the hospital. Akari opened the door to Itachi's room and the Uchiha turned his head to us. "Itachi." Akari said pulling him into an embrace. "How are you, feeling." She asked him sitting next to him on the bed. "I'm feeling much better, thank you Akari-nii." Itachi said as I sat down on the chair next to the bed.

Akari's POV

I looked at Itachi confused. "What for." I asked him. "For everything you did for me, and Sasuke." Itachi replied and I smiled at him. "You don't have to thank me for it really, you guys are like the little siblings I've never had." I said to him before a nurse poked her head into the room asking for me.

I followed her into the corridor and she told me about a patient in need of emergency care. I nodded to her before entering the room once again. "I'm going to attend to a patient." I said to Kakashi before leaving them to their conversation.

I was done in a couple hours and Kurenai was waiting for me, as I exited Sasuke's room after paying him a visit. "Come on, we're going Kimono shopping." Kurenai said dragging me out of the hospital. "Oh and I invited Shizune, I mean we do need more suggestions." Kurenai said and Shizune waved at me. We walked into a famous Kimono store, and each of us split up entering into the ally consisting out colour.

Kakashi's POV (Well yeah, this chapter is mostly about him)

I looked at Itachi after Akari left the room for the second time. "I'm proposing to her, tomorrow." I said to him and he looked my way. "Akari-nii will be happy." He responded before activating his sharingan making my eye widen. "But if you hurt her after this, I will lock you up in a mangekyou universe for a week." He said making me scratch the back of my head nervously. "Got it." I said before quickly exiting the room and heading to the Hokage tower.

Akari will be more comfortable if I asked her mother before doing this. I thought as I knocked on the large oak doors to the office. "Tsunade sama." I said bowing to her and she gave me a confused look before sending all the ANBU away for a second. "What is it." She asked and I looked up gulping nervously. "I have planned to propose to your daughter, Akari tomorrow at the festival." I said trying to sound as polite as I possibly could. "You came to ask for my permission." She asked me and I nodded solemnly.

"Fine, I guess I'll give you permission for this, but it is only because of how much she loves you." Tsunade sama said and took a breath of relief. I dismissed myself to leave the office as quickly as possible. "One second Hatake." She spoke making me stop on my tracks. "I want grandchildren after marriage, got that." She added making me nod the tips of my ears turning red in embarrassment at her request.