Enemy part 3

Angelica was walking alone,deep in thought. She was confused. First her mother told her the plan was to protect human bonds and then she was poisoned by an enemy she didnt know she had. But then her mother sent her quickly back here as if telling her to prepare for battle. Generally speaking,she didnt know what to do.

She was lost so deeply in thought she didnt see the man in front of her before she fell on him

-Watch where you are going lady" the man turned and then Angelica couldn't believe her luck. Anthony. Again.

-You again? What,is this some sort of twisted bayback for running into you with my car and now you thought it would be funny to do the same with your legs?

She didnt have the energy to deal with me right now.

-Sorry. No,the fault is mine. Thinking while walking is not an excuse to bump into people

-Hey,are you okay?

-Why do you ask?

-When we met the other day you were so confident it was annoying. Now you seem a little lost. Didnt you find what you were looking for?

-Thats the problem. I found it. Why do you care anyway?

-I dont know frankly. But my friend is out of town for a few days. He found a old collector in New York that owns a pretty rare book and he went there to buy it . He said that he will stay for a few days so why dont you come over to my house for a drink?


-No,orange juice. Of course alcohol. What? You were born yesterday?

Why is he so keen to help me? Well,i suppose me being what i am we were bound to have some sort of connection

-Sure why not?

-Great. My car is parked right around the corner. We will be in my home there in no time

-Provided you dont leave a trail of bodies behind you with your reckless driving

-I will pretend i didnt hear that. You know, you are an interesting person. Sometimes you remind me of my friend,sometimes you remind me of myself

A few minutes later

-I admire you girl. You drank 3 bottles of red wine and even after that you manage to avert my questions

-Because if you knew,three would be the outcomes "kill,love or lock"


-Either you would kill me,either we would become very good friends or last and most likely scenario you would lock me in an asylum. Oh no i said too much

-Finally. Loosen up a little. Its not like everyone is ought to get you. Lets sum up. Your mother gave you a job and then she told you that you have opponents that want your job ruined and now you dont know what your job is and who are your opponents. Right?

-Yeah,thats it. Pretty much

-All right. Time from some serious conversation. Who are you?

-You asked that question 23 times already. And i answered it

-With lies

-Careful. I dont take lightly being questioned

-And i dont like being fooled. Start talking. Now. What are you angel,demon or human?

Damn it. Better be as honest as i can at this point.

-Neither. I am what you would call 'God's latest creation

-I thought that was humans

-Humans need some...help, so to speak. I can not tell you much more right now. All i can tell you is....

Suddenly a dark aura flooded the room. Even anthony got scared

-What is that aura

-Quickly. We must run away from here

-How did they find me?

-Who are they?

-My enemies

-I thought you said you didnt know them

-I dont but my instincts know them and they are rarely wrong. Its them. And i dont want to face them unprepared

-Why should i run with you? You can escape by yourself

-Oh God? What should i do? If they find him here it will be like leaving behind a personal file of mine behind. Think,think

-Okay lets make a deal. If you follow me now i promise to tell everything you want to know. All of it. What i am,what is my job,what God is planning,as far as i know,. Deal? And make up ypur mind quickly

That was a lie but she was running out of options right now

-A very tempting offer. Deal. But where do we go?

-Since things have come to this at least lets avoid telling the same thing twice

-New York. Lets go see your friend. Im sure he will be equally interested with what i have to say

-Ok. Lets go. And dont fall behind. I will not save you if they catch you

-Believe me,if they catch me,your quality of life will be very different after that