The rough start of something eternal

Anthony was a social person. That didnt mean he was good at making friends. Why? Because he had no desire to. Raphael was his one true friend,the only one he would ever need.

This Angelica however was a unique case. And he didnt like unique things. He loved having a scedule and occasionally doing something different to avoid getting bored. But even then he had the control.

This girl was simply put "uncontrollable". She seemed to think she could do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted like a child that thinks the only rule in life is "have fun and avoid getting yelled at". They were supposed to meet at the airport and she arrived thirty minutes late and her response was:"oh,no i wasnt late. Actually i arrived an hour early but i desided to explore a bit. I guess i lost track of time. What are you standing here for? Lets go. I dont have all day"

Angelica was acting like a 5 year old. Again. She was staring at the ceiling for the past 5 minutes while waiting in line.

"Wanna go home τo Heaven? I can send you there if you want. Without your body of course"

"But then you would have no excuse to go to New York and see your friend"

How was possible that even though they have known each other for barely a week and she answered with such accuracy as if they were close friends? She was right. Something suspicious and dangerous was going on here. And anthony wanted Raphael's help because otherwise he might decide to kill Angelica and be done with it. And yet something was holding back his murderous instincts.

Like a little voice in the back of his mind saying "Don't kill her. You will be sorry" Damn,he hated those little voices. They are like children that are right. But you cant ground them for saying something inconvenient.

Then he noticed something peculiar,no alarming. Behind them there was a couple with two 6 year-old girls fighting non stop. Anthony wished desperately that they would stop. Apparently Angelica thought so too. She kneeled and started talking to them.

Anthony was sure now he wont avoid the argument. But then she rised and he heard the two girls apologizing to each other and promising to buy each other "gifts of forgiveness". The parents were verg geateful. Finally their turn. The checked in and started walking toward the plane.

"How did you do it?" He asked


"What did you say to these two sisters and they suddenly turned from "i will kill you" to "i will build a castle of snow for you to be queen?""

"Oh that. I dont know how i do it

I just do it. It is my job,in a sense. Making sure bonds dont fall apart i mean. By the way they were friends not sisters. I understood it by their way of fighting. Don't ask me how i know, that's a talk for another time"

"What are you? You have some sort of psychiatric gift?".

"Your perception of things is narrow minded and somewhat insulting. I promised to explain everything in due time. You are being impatient. Would you mind if i were to sleep during our flight?"

"Naah. I suppose i will find ways to deal with my loneliness."

Finally. 10 hours without hearing her talking. I am so relieved.


"I have work to do. I need to see a summary of the history of this bond. I feel it will be a long journey in time. I sense its age much like humans understand the age of a wine by taste"

Several minutes later

Angelica was sleeping soundly but in reality she was doing something different than sleeping. She was time-traveling. Her essence at least. The experience was like walking through a tunnel full with memories. Angelica didnt have time for all of them.

And so the years continued to "pass her by" and angelica was taking notes much like a student writing down the basics of a lesson but ne intendes to study them better later. Angelica realised that this situation was like an omelet with onions and peppers,anthony being the onions and raphael the peppers. Onions are cooked more quickly than the peppers which are thicker. But also onions are more easily burned than peppers and they destroy the dish

Raphael is more reluctant to accept the reality of this friendship but this reluctance is only in his words. He doesnt seem to understand this reality has rooted into his life

Anthony however was a different story. Like onions if he is properly prepared he adds sweetness and color to this bond.

But he also has some characteristics that could be tools in the hands of her enemies. His stuborness and his punctuality.

He will never say sorry himself and despite his remarkable ability to save his friend from dangerous situations he didnt have the capacity to stop him before the situation becomes perilous. She is done here for now,of course more studying needs to be done but she got the general idea.

Its time to wake up.