The flight

Anthony was used to weird sleeping habits.

But angelica was topping them all. During the flight she was sleeping and sometimes she would hug him with a smile saying things like "good job" or "you are not as useless as i thought" and after some time she would get angry and slap him and call him idiot or irresponsible or "an offense to the word punctuality". All while sleeping.

Memo to himself,never to sleep close to her again. He had tried to wake her up multiple times but to no avail. Luckily their journey would end in a half an hour. She had started to stir which probably meant that she would wake up on her own when they land. He hoped.

Everything was quiet so he decided to rest his eyes for a bit until he heard her mumble something like "anthony ,why do you need to be informed when you are needed?" That was new. It sounded like it was meant to be insulting but why? He didnt find anything insulting in that sentence.

-Forgive my intrusion sir,but i couldn't help but notice that your companion has been bothering your for the duration of the trip. Do you require some assistance with this problem?

Things were getting stranger by the second.

A male flight attendant was hoovering over him looking concerned. Men working as flight attendants were a rarity but they were not non-existent. The weird was that during the flight some passengers asked him to do something about angelica( probably because they were feeling sorry for Anthony and Anthony HATED pity.) and he did nothing. Also,this man was looking at Angelica with the eyes of a predator. Impossible, they didnt even know each other. Angelica probably has slapped him far too many times during these long hours.

-Nah,she is no problem. She is just having a restless sleep.

-Ok sir. Then allow me to take your cup of coffee

He bowed to pick up the cup and Anthony noticed the man smelled like danger and threat. Anthony would never admit it out loud but he felt a stab of fear at that very moment. And then his eyes again became those of a hunting animal.And he was looking at Angelica. Like he wanted to eat her but he was controlling himself.

Something inside him woke up. Some new instict he didnt know he had. With swift movements he grabbed the cup the attendant dropped "accidentally" with one hand and with the other he pulled Angelica closer to him

-Try and be more careful next time

-I deeply apologise sir.

What the hell was going on?

Meanwhile in New York:

Raphael was very happy. He had managed buy that book on a very good price and in was in tip-top condition. Too bad he couldnt read it. Peculiar as it may sound he was seeing this specific book in his dreams for a few nights already.

He didnt tell Anthony because he would most likely worry . But raphael didnt feel threatened,he felt excited for some reason. So he kept it a secret and started searching for the book of his dreams. He found it soon,which was a bit strange. He didnt tell anthony the truth but he didnt lie either,he was simply being vague. He could keep a secret from anthony but he could not lie.

So here he was with this mysterious book in his hands which was written in a strange languange raphael didnt know.

Raphael had just arrived at the hotel. He was planning on making a nice cup of tea and attempt to translate the book(maybe it was written on some rare dialog he was not accustomed with)

Suddenly the room lit up and a female figure appeared out of nowhere. She had long red hair,bright brown eyes and slender figure.

-Who are you?

-That is not important right now.I need your help.

-I dont understand

-My daughter is at grave risk.

-Your daughter? Do I know her?

-Yes and No. We dont have much time. They may be watching us.

-Who? I dont understand anything.

-Thats why I am here to explain

-Why should I believe anything you say?

-You were not frightened when I appeared in your room. Some part of you knows me. All humans know me. Because they have felt me.

Raphael couldnt explain it but her presence,despite unknown,caused him familiar amd warm feelings.

-I am listening.

An hour later

Raphael was stunned,to say the least. The cup of tea was currently on the table because he didnt trust the stability of his hands at this time

-Now you understand how serious things are. I want you to protect her Raphael. Although i doubt i need to tell you that

-Anthony will not take it well

-Anthony will not believe me if i explain it to him.He doesnt trust me. But he trusts you. You must find a way to explain it to him .

-I will try to the best of my abilites. Can I at least get your name?


Then she disappeared.

At that time the phone started ringing

-Pick it up,raphael


Raphael,hi how are you? Long story short. I am in a New York with a girl i met,if she can be called one. Ohh,if you ever hit me again.... Listen for some strange reason this girl has pissed off some guys and they are currently following us so we cant come at your hotel. Can you meet us in an abandoned warehouse i know near by? You know the one we nearly blown up during the WW1 . In the meantime i will try to lose them. "

-I will be there. And Anthony?


-Don't let anything happen to her

After that he hang up

Anthony was confused and angry. He hated being the only one who was not informed