The mistake

Third pov

Paimon has always considered himself lucky. Being able to control people's pain,physical and mental, has given him a unique opportunity to study human behaviour. As the millenias passed him by he became so accustomed to it that he was able to hide amongst them without any trouble.

Humans like to think that they are complex creatures but the truth was that they just had an unnecessarily complex way of thinking because they desperately wanted to avoid being hurt. For Paimon humans were entertaining creatures.

And right now he was having a very good time strolling around a market. Merchants struggling to sell their products,trying to act as businessmen while in reality they were worried if they would make enough to feed their families,young children crying,begging their parents to buy them candies and toys and their guardians being torn apart inside because they only had enough money to buy cheap groceries.

Paimon has always admired the ability of this race to glorify its needs. Bright colors and loud noises. This place looked indeed more like a country fair than a simple market. He remembered very little from when he was a young Spirit but he never forgot the excitement he was feeling when he was imagining how far the humans would evolve. Later on,he discovered with great disappointment that despite their evolution and their great achievements their basic nature has not been altered one bit.Its like living in a house and you constantly remodel it,maybe add an extra room at best but you never tear it down to rebuild it.

Maybe he was simply having high expectations or maybe he was too amazed by their mental strength.He was overthinking again. He really should reduce the time he spends with these earthly creatures because he was starting to have some of their annoying habits.

His hand gently touched the silky blanket inside his leather bag and a faint smile reached his lips. He found it hard to believe that he has seen more character development in his brother,more change in a Shadow that he has seen in an entire race.

He used to believe that something eternal tends to stay the same forever while short-lived things have a natural tendency towards change. But now he has realised that change needs courage not time.

This noise in the market was starting to get on his nerves. Although,it was the best hiding place Paimon was feeling self-confident and so he decided to take a stroll on a nearby hill.It was a lovely day so he decided to take off his leather cape with it's hood and just lay down under a tree. He opened his bag and pulled out a file.Lucky for him he was alone. Files like this will not appear in this world until the next 500 years have passed.

It was Angelica's file. Paimon may be worried for his brothers but that doesn't mean he will neglect his preparation for combat.When the circumstances permit it again he should be ready to kill Angelica swiftly and efficiently.

In the past years he had encountered many times carriers which seemed dead after he was done with them but due to his immense surprise they have returned. And then it was 10 times more difficult to dispose of them. But he would not make the same mistakes this time. That girl had too much potential to be kept alive.

Eve however must be very happy with this development. The fourth category hasn't had a masterpiece like Angelica in eons. Logically they should provide her with the best protection and training. If he wanted to win he had to act smart. Arranging for a "dance" as the protocol commands would not be in his best interest because he would lose the element of surprise. On the other hand a sneak attack would be dishonourable and could be seen as a indication of panic and fear. He looked at the file one more time and he decided to put it back inside the bag. He was too unfocused to study it anyway.

Instead he decided to rest his eyes for a bit but after a while he started feeling strange energy waves in the area so he decided to check on it

"Paimon. What a surprise! We haven't had a chance to talk in private."

Paimon couldn't believe his luck. The Dark Queen was here. He had become careless. She was supposed to follow him but not find him. He had to leave quickly before she had a chance to detect the separate small energy signature inside his bag. Provided she hasn't detected it already.

"How true your Majesty. Unfortunately,I have some business to attend to right now."

Before he realised what was happening he was stuck against the tree with her Queen looking at him with murderous eyes.

"I don't think I was clear enough. Not now and certainly not all these eons. I am in charge of the Shadows and you and your brothers are my advisors. The fact that I have given you more of my duties throughout the years doesnt mean I have retired completely. I don't have anything against you. I understand your will to protect your brothers. I don't like it but I accept it. But I am the one to decide who gets to live and who must die. Where is Haures? I won't ask you again."

He was afraid and ashamed at the same time. He rarely felt these two emotions but now they have hit him with full force. It seemed like he should start changing as well. He didn't know what to do and the Queen was more impatient than usual.

Suddenly he realised something. The energy waves were not coming from the Queen. And the strangest thing was that she didn't seem to notice their presence.He focused quickly and he realised with horror that they were coming from his personal connection with Haures. They were unbalanced and without a stable frequency.

His brother was in danger. He had to leave.Now. So,he decided to do something that will probably be the end of him.He looked the Queen straight in the eyes and said with an arrogant smile.

"You stopped being our ruler the moment you lost our respect."

And with that he teleported away. She was stunned but the smile of victory had not left her lips. She may have lost him but now that he had disrespected his ruler by leaving her presence without consent and with such an abrupt way,she had a very good excuse for hunting him and his brothers down.

Also,Angelica's file had fallen from his bag. Maybe this was a good day after all.