The complication

First pov

Earth was a peaceful and beautiful place. I had missed it.It was decided that I would accompany Angelica back to Earth because Irini had too much work back home. I gladly agreed. I could use a break away from the palace. Of course that didnt mean my problems had suddenly disappeared. In fact I was a bit concerned because Paimon hasn't called me since last week but I tried to calm myself saying that he probably had to deal with his brother's short temper.

Right now we are in a small cottage in the countryside of England. Angelica was in the garden studying. Out of curiosity I left my comfortable chair to check on what she was reading.I was surprised to find out that she was reading the "Basic Principles of Balance''. Basically it was a book that explained the dynamics between different types of relationships in a person's life and how it was possible for the balance to be maintained for the sake of a person's mental stability. Difficult and complex book.

"Did you study the basic principles before moving on to this kind of book?"

"You startled me,your Grace. Yes,I finished the last one yesterday."

"All of them? The Theory of Human communication?"

"Of course. Along with the Prime Reasons of Misunderstanding and my personal favorite How to Handle Jealousy"

"You amaze me. I don't remember you being this productive when we were back at the palace."

"What can I say? I always function better when I am close to my sources."

Suddenly my phone started ringing.I was glad to see that Paimon was the one calling.I decided to go to a place with more privacy and so I left Angelica alone again and I picked it up. I was about to make a sassy comment as payback for all these days I was left worrying.When I heard him crying I regretted leaving the garden.And its chairs.

"Paimon,what's wrong?Why haven't you called me for almost a week?"

"Sorry but things have taken a turn for the worse. I will let you speak with Johanna. I don't think I have the mental strength for this."

My heart was beating fast inside my chest. I have never heard Paimon cry. He may pout,complain or even remain silent when he is depressed but he neves cries. I wanted to speak to Johanna now before I start assuming the worst.

"Eve,its me Johanna"

She also sounded tired. Something dreadful had happened.

"I will get straight to the point. When Paimon was away a couple days ago Haures suffered an energy line disconnection.To put it simply the lines that were connecting Haures and Thanos started breaking. In the end Haures's body went into shock. Thankfully,I was there and I immediately took him to my personal hospital. He was in surgery for 15 hours. It is a miracle we didn't lose either of them. It was the most difficult surgery I had ever performed. I had to cut Haures open and reconnect or replace the lines with energy manipulation from outside Thanos's space. You understand why. I couldn't possibly perform surgery on a part of Haures body in which space is curved. Anyway,I managed to stabilise both of them but it isn't over yet. I was forced to put Haures in a medically induced coma but that was a week ago. I have to wake him up now. But it's dangerous. I can't guarantee the lines that I established are stable. There is a possibility that the lines will not withstand the return of Haures's body energy levels to their normal rates. If that happens,I can't perform the surgery again. Haures's body would not survive this. I'm about to wake him up,that's why you heard Paimon crying. He is scared. And frankly I am too. Don't worry about the Queen finding him here.This hospital was designed to remain hidden from practically everything."


"Eve,are you still there?"

More silence


"I'm coming over there now."

"What? No.This is a bad idea.We just called you to inform you."

She should know me better. In a matter of seconds I teleported myself in front of her hospital. Originally it was constructed to provide medical services only to Spirits but Johanna eventually decided against this "elit policy" as she called it and now the hospital treats humans and Spirits alike just on different sections secluded from one another. With my human form,the one I prefer to use anyway, it was easy for me to walk around unnoticed by the staff and to casually ask them where Johanna was at the moment.

This took a while so when I finally found Haures's room he was already awake. His expression was a bit hazy but considering what could have happened we should consider ourselves very fortunate.

While Johanna was examining him,Paimon came to talk to me outside the room. He seemed regretful for some reason although I could be misinterpreting his look of emotional exhaustion.

We sat down and I decided to speak first because I doubted he was going to do it.

"What happened,Paimon?"

"I don't know. I was away at the time trying to confuse the Dark Queen when I suddenly felt a warning signal through mine and Haures's connection. By the time that I arrived Haures was already on surgery. I had to wait for Johanna to finish operating to find out what had happened. There were the worst 15 hours of my existence. And that is not all. "

"Why? What else is going on."

"The Dark Queen found me,Eve. I don't know how but she cornered me. Fortunately,if one can call it fortune,the emergency signal from the connection activated my emergency transport energy and I teleported away. But I can't be sure she didn't detect Thanos's energy on the blanket and therefore our trick. Im sorry."

Surprisingly,I wasn't mad or anxious but determined. This had to stop. A Universal Queen along with two,three if you count energies,.Princes of the Shadows playing hide and sheek throughout the multiverse. At first I thought that Haures hiding was the best option but now I have come to realise that it was only a temporary fix that would not get us far. At that moment Johanna came out of the room.

"So far so good. The lines are remaining strong but it's still too early to draw my final conclusions. By the end of next week I will have a more clear image."

"Is he able to talk?"

"If you mean,Eve,if he can have a conversation then yes he can but I would not recommend it."

"I will be careful not to distress him. I also believe this talk will calm him."

"If you insist,but please be careful."

I turned to Paimon

"Come on,Paimon. It's time to settle some things"

And after that we both entered Haures's hospital room.