The Deal

First Pov

She was indeed there. Drinking her coffee like a normal highschool girl during her break waiting for her friend. But we were not friends. She shouldn't even be here. I was so sure I had everything figured out but now I realise she was manipulating me all along. She must have known I was helping the Princes and used me as a tool to control their emotions and reactions. I felt ignorant and immature. Besides my feelings of self-disappointment I was also exposed. She could destroy me anytime she pleased just by revealing to my Council my cooperation with the enemy.For June it would be a gift.

Taking a seat across her like we just had a minor disagreement was more than displeasing. On the other hand she seemed to enjoy every moment of it.

"Come on Eve don't look so stiff. People might think I kidnapped you or something."

"You don't exactly call my coming here a free will decision."

"But it is. You chose to mendle with our business. After you chose to care for the Princes masking your feelings of friendship for them,all three,with

the excuse of 'universal balance'. So ultimately this meeting is your choice as well."

"If you don't understand the delicate balance that supports our world,it is not my problem. What do you want? Speak truthfully this time."

"What I want I can get it myself."

"I highly doubt it.I just talked to Johanna.Bold of you to assume I wouldnt find out. And looking at you now I think I understand the rest. Your original plan was to kill Thanos after he was reborn and get your son back. However that would mean that you would have to face the rage of all the Shadows. Even you wouldn't be able to deal with that. After that you decided to stress Haures enough to sever their connection. I am ashamed to admit that you fooled me as well. You used me as part of your strategy.You almost succeeded in taking your son's soul back. What happened? You realised that you were putting Haures life in danger as well and decided to abandon your plan?"

"You are smarter than I thought. But not as clever as you need to be. No,I don't care about Haures at all. But I realised that all these eons without a body have weakened my son's soul. Trying to separate them now would be too dangerous for my boy. So I must use a different approach. That's why I called you here."

"Tell me what you want me to do so I can make sure I won't do it."

"A bold statement. To put it simply I want you to bring Thanos to me as soon as he is born.Finding an excuse to be present when he arrives won't be difficult for you. You already have the Princes' complete trust."

I stood up to leave. She was either making fun of me or her extensive absence from politics has caused her to lose her diplomatic skills.

"I wouldn't be so hasty if I were you."

She threw a file on the table. Angelica's file. How did this come to her possession?

"I propose a deal. You bring Thanos to me when he returns to this world and in return I won't harm your precious forth-class bond. It would be a real shame if anything were to happen to her. The fourth class has been waiting for her Duchess for a long long time. It would be unfair of you to make them wait longer to protect one of her enemies. And remember,I am not like Paimon. I don't hold back and I dont attack just to test my opponent's power. When I hunt I kill. And it is not a painless death.If I were to decide to target Angelica her screams will be heard by all the Fourth Class.I hope I am making myself clear."

This was the definition of disaster. How did she get her hands on Angelica's file anyway?

"I need some time to think about it."

"It is offensive that you even have to consider. What is your dilemma? Choosing your people or your friends that are also your enemies? Fate may have had many flaws but she sure was devoted to her people."

I wanted to hit her so badly but considering the situation I decided not to.

"Your narrow-minded perception is frustrating to say the least. In order for your son to be revived Thanos must die. Who will be responsible then for the souls of the dead? All of the souls will forever be lost in the vastness of space. My people will. He was affected as well."

"I don't understand your concern for the dead. When they die why do you care what becomes of them?"

"It's a matter of respect. Their souls deserve to be at peace and not be lost until the end of time just because you discovered you have maternal instincts although I doubt it."

"Be careful what you say.This conversation is pointless anyway. No you don't have time to find a way out of this predicament. Choose. Now."

Despite my brave face my soul was whipping inside of me. I couldn't think of a way out of this. She was right. Angelica was far too important to let her die at the hands of the Dark Queen. Maybe I could make sure that Haures recovers from his brother's death and Thanos responsibilities are given to someone else.

If I have already started to think of impossibly positive scenarios to minimize the guilt then it seems I have already made my decision.

"Yes,it's a deal. When Thanos is reborn I promise to deliver him to you. Until then you can withdraw and let me handle this."

"Excellent. I always knew you were a reasonable person. I will be keeping a close eye on you so don't try to fool me. I have to go now. See you in 10 months."

When she left I bowed my head and started crying. Thanks the Spirits the cafeteria was empty. I thought I had finally found a way to blackmail and pressure the Dark Queen but she was always two steps ahead of me. By the end of this year I don't know how many more promises I will be forced to break. I have already broken my promise to the Princes