
Third Pov

Haures was discharged from the hospital a couple days later. He was surprisingly in a good mood unlike his brother who was constantly observing his surroundings like he was expecting an attack to happen at any moment. However sometime later Paimon's attitude changed. He stopped looking around and instead he focused on Eve. They had decided to take a walk together after Haures was released. At the hospital Eve had assured them that the Dark Queen wasn't going to threaten them anymore. When he asked her for the details she refused to answer clearly and she simply stated:"The Dark Queen is a woman who knows what is good for her". At first it sounded like a threatening phase but she had a look of defeat on her face. And in truth that had scared him.

Since that time Eve hasn't said much. She walks behind them with her hands in her pockets and face looking down obviously lost deep in thought.

Paimon decided it was the perfect opportunity to have a little fun.

"Eve,what are you thinking? Maybe all that paperwork on your desk? June would be so mad at you for neglecting your duties to take a walk around with your ex and his brother."

He expected to receive an angry reaction. Maybe a hit or an insulting remark.However, Eve continued to walk as before not even lifting up her head.Paimon was getting concerned.

"Eve,call Johanna. Haures has collapsed again and he is not responding." he said frantically

Haures up until this point wasn't paying much attention to the Queen or his brother's childish behaviour. But now that Paimon mentioned his name he decided it was getting annoying.

"Paimon,for spirits sake let her be. She doesn't want to tell you and you are behaving like a spoiled child."

Haures wanted to continue with the insults but he suddenly stopped. All this time he was walking in front of Eve so he couldn't see her face.But now that he had turned around he had to admit that something was wrong. Her face was unusually pale and she had a depressing look like she wanted to commit suicide. He wasn't concerned, just curious. Although it was true that the Queen didn't have a great deal of mental strength her sudden change of attitude was alarming.

When she talked to them at the hospital room she sounded confident and optimistic. But when she returned after a while she was a completely different person.Something had happened. He remembered seeing her talk to Johanna but when Johanna came back to perform some more tests she seemed happier than usual.He asked her about it and she simply answered that the Queen was smarter than she looks.So Eve had discovered something new and hopeful and now she looked like the end of times was coming closer. Haures felt fear creeping into his heart. He usually wasn't afraid of the future. He believed that problems were a matter of the present. But now,his instincts screamed that something was going to happen that wouldn't be easily handled.

"Eve can you hear me?" he practically yelled

"Haures? Yes I can hear you just fine. Did something happen?"

"You mean besides your temporary loss of hearing? No,nothing else."

"You've been talking to me? I'm so sorry. I was just lost in thought"

"Me? No,I wasn't talking to you. Paimon has been calling you for a while. But you were so distracted that even if he were to propose right now you would say yes because you would have heard another thing. Explain yourself. What is going on?"

"Nothing. Everything is progressing as they should. I already explained to you that I managed to ensure your safety against the Dark Queen so you can relax because we don't want any more....incidents."

"And how did you accomplish that? Up until a few days ago you were thinking of elaborate plans to hide from her and now you want us to believe that you gained the upper hand and cornered her?"

"It would take too long to explain and frankly I don't want to."

"Why don't you give it a try?"

Things started heating up. In truth, Haures was now more afraid than before. Eve was a terrible liar and the fact that she was hiding things meant that she didn't trust herself to lie directly. Despite that however she remained persistent. He also knew how the Dark Queen negotiates just like he knows that Eve is too soft to handle the pressure of his ruler negotiating skills. What had happened? What kind of concession did she make? There was something in him that screamed that he should distance himself from her. Unfortunately this was impossible now. She knew too much and she was one of his few allies.

"Stop it you two. Eve,I must admit I am a bit skeptical about your change of behaviour as well as your mysterious declaration that somehow you made sure that the Dark Queen won't hunt us down anymore. But I trust you. You know better than anyone what is at stake and so I choose to trust your judgement until the end. And I think Haures should too."

Haures had to agree with that. He decided not to interfere with Eve's plans,he had more important things to worry about. In fact he shouldn't be anxious at all. He should think of his brother's health.

"I understand. Now if you will excuse me I'm feeling rather tired. I think I should return to the palace."

And she left after that but the fear returned in Haure's heart once again.

When Eve returned home everyone could understand that something dreadful had happened only by looking at her. Her sisters tried to talk to her but they didn't manage to get a word out of her. Even June decided against commenting on the Queen's appearance, feeling a touch of concern for their ruler. Eventually Eve reached her bedroom,locked the door and fell on her bed crying. She kept repeating a phrase,over and over again.

"I'm sorry my friends."