Police station part 2

Third Pov

-Why the long face,Eve? Arent you glad to see me?

Paimon had been trying to get Eve to talk to him ever since they left the police station. Luckily for them,they were already in Paris so Paimon offered them a lift to her apartment. Both her and Anthony were concerned for Angelica and would like to visit her at the hospital but they couldn't disclose her location to Paimon. So they silently accepted his request. It was a long and awkward ride and Paimon was starting to get irritated because of Eve's hostility. He had saved her from certain imprisonment and she wasnt even showing any signs of gratitude.

Not to mention the fact that he was putting himself in peril's way just for her. If Haures were to find out about his little "interference" he would be in big trouble. After Haures had waken up from his coma ,Paimon tried to hide Eve's deal with the Dark Queen but to no avail. Haures started suspecting something was wrong and pressured him about it. Paimon didnt want to stress his brother in his condition so he confessed everything.

Thank the Spirits that Johanna had taken Thanos for some extra tests because Haures's anger frightened even his older brother. Eventually,Paimon managed to calm his down but he doubts his brother will ever forgive her. Also,Eve's decision to leave the throne has led to some highly problematic events. Once Haures recovers fully and Thanks returns to his adult form 40 days after his "birth" they will have a lot of diplomatic issues to deal with. For the time being Paimon's job was keep the situation under control and always maintain a clear understanding of it.

Surprisingly,the Dark Queen has vanished yet again but Haures remains on edge and he has asked Paimon to be in the lookout. Overall,Paimon had lots of work to do and lots of stress to handle but he still managed to find time to check on Eve. And as it turned out,he had good reasons to do so.

So,Eve could at least thank him for his assistance instead of acting like an embarrassed high-school teenager whose mother came to pick her up from. school.

-We are here

He stooped just outside the apartment but before Eve could get out of the car he grabbed her arm firmly

-Not you. We need to talk

She sighed and turned to Anthony

-Go inside. I will be fine. Take care of whatever business we have left in the meantime.

Anthony nodded and Eve sat once again on the co-driver's seat. She was still angry and Paimon tried to lighten up the mood.

-I know a good café nearby. Do you want to go grab something to eat?

-We want to talk or eat? Because we can talk here just fine.

That was the last straw for Paimon. He hit the brakes with force,took a 180 degree turn and parked the car at the side of the car.

-No. Here is not fine. In fact,thanks to you,there isn't a good place to talk anymore.

-What do you mean?

-I didnt come here to help you out of concern,not this time. You need to come back,Eve. You need to take your crown back.

Eve remained expressionless and kept looking outside the window,admiring the beauty of the nearby park.


-You didn't even ask me who has replaced you.

-Doesnt matter. I cant do anything about it.If it is someone incompetent it will only deepen my sorrow but if my successor proves to be better than me then I will regret not leaving the throne sooner. In the end,I do not wish to know.

-Its Fate

Eve suddenly felt sick to her stomach and she looked at Paimon with a frightened look on her face.

-What? How?

-Its June's doing.You didnt appoint a successor and Fate was the only one with the experience to rule.

-But she is an outcast! I banished her myself!

-Your previous decisions no longer apply. They have all been annulled.

-So that means.....

-Yes. Fate can recontruct the multiverse according to her beliefs.Which means all the carriers are bound to lose any privilege and protection from the Palace.

-But I thought.....

-Thats the problem right there,Eve. You act based on what you think. You dont ask for help or advice,you dont even inform anyone of your decisions.You either tell lies or remain silent.

-That is an uneseccary accusation.

-No. You cant fool me. I have known you since you were a little girl.You didnt run away because you were afraid of being held accountable for the Dark Queen's stabbing. You left because you undertood that it was time to tell the truth. And the truth was that you tried to deal with a situation all by yourself and you messed up. And you messed up because for some reason you chose to ignore the very existence of your sisters and the council whose whole purpose was to give you advice.

-I couldn't tell the the council and you know why.

-Its because you failed to remove the problem sooner. June should have been banished from the council eons ago.You knew of her assistance to Fate during the civil war but you chose to forgive and tolerate her to strengthen your public image as a good and just ruler.

-Did you come here to criticize my past mistakes?

-I came to show you the source of them all. Your fear.And to tell you that you dont have to do everything yourself.

-You want me to come back and fight for my throne?


-I wont drag my people into another civil war

-You wont have to.

-What do you mean?

-She cant become Queen without the Shadows' consent as well.

-Then dont give it.

-We dont want to. The deals we have established with your kind work extremely well for both sides.But Fate wants to cancel them and enslave us altogether.She threatened us that if we dont obey her she will declare a war on us. We dont have the resources for that right now.However if you return home and stake your claim to the throne as again,your followers from inside the palace will support you and with the additional support of the Princes of the Shadows,she will have no choice but to resign.

-Maybe its just what she wants. To return so she can murder me. With my death she will make her presence on the throne permanent.

-Thats why you will come to live with us.


-With me and Haures to our palace. You will be safe there

-Now I understand why you risked coming here. If Haures were to discover you,you would have to explain your plan and we would have another dead Prince on our hands.

-You are overreacting.

-Haures will never agree to help me after what I almost did to his little brother.

-Haures may be a fiercy protectice older brother but he is also a diplomat and a politician. Let me deal with him.

He took her hands in his gently.

-Come back home,Eve. You want it,you yearn it.

Eve could no longer deny the burning desire to return to her family and she smiled gently.

-If I die, my blood will be on your hands.

He laughed and started the engine.


There are times when one might wonder what might have been if things were different. For example,if Eve had heard the despairing calls from Anthony or if she hadnt put her phone on mute or if she had seen this text maybe she wouldnt gave followed Paimon in the end.

"Eve,Angelica has disappeared. She isnt in the hospital. The doctors told me she left on her own. Please call me."