Shadows' Palace

First Pov

Getting the car was highly unnecessary since we would have to teleport anyway. But Paimon didn't want to raise suspicions so he drove for a few more meters,parked in an alley and opened a portal from there which led directly to the front door of the Shadow Palace.

It was a magnificent sight.Even though it was mostly black and dark purple the craftings on the walls and the columns were true masterpieces.Not even my palace had such fine craftsmanship. Although we did have the best painting collection in the multiverse.

Paimon opened the door and I walked in first. I was so eager to admire the rest of the palace. Truth be told,I can't even remember the last time that I visited it. Maybe it was during my first presentation to the Princes when I was reborn. But I was only a baby at that time.

But before I had a chance to ask Paimon when was my last visit,he literally fell on me

-Watch out!

We both ended up on the floor with him on top of me. I was ready to get angry at him when I suddenly saw the knife that got stuck on the wooden door. He got up quickly and he was extremely irritated.As he released me,my eyes had the chance to scan my surroundings only to see Haures at the top of the stairs playing with another knife in his hands,smirking vengefully.

-Haures! Have you gone mad?! You could have killed her

Paimon was really angry with his brother right now.

-Dont worry.I have an excellent aim.Besides my target was not only her.

-Very funny,brother,really funny.

But Haures wasn't laughing. He descended the stairs slowly as if he was threatening me with his presence and came slowly to my direction. I was a little scared. If anyone else had dared to make a deal with the Dark Queen to deliver her Thanos,Haures would kill him slowly and painfully. I couldn't decide the reason behind his patience and self control. Was it because he understands the consequences my absence would cause? Or perhaps it was his brother's emotions towards me?

A strong pain on my cheek stopped my train of thought but I didn't fight back. I deserved that slap after all.

-Haures! That's enough. She didn't come here for you to take your frustration out on her.

-No. She came because you brought her here.

-Now you are being unreasonable. We need her to remove Fate from the throne. The longer she remains in power,the more problems we will have to face.

Haures turned at me again and for a moment I thought that he was going to hit me again but instead he turned back to his room.

-It's late. Guide her to her room and tomorrow we will talk about everything. After you are done showing her her room, come find me at the nursery.

After that he left us alone and Paimon seemed a bit lost for a moment.

-That could have gone worse.

-I know. At least I am still standing.


-Im serious. I think he slapped me to blow off some steam because he would seriously hurt me otherwise. Come on. Let's get going.

Paimon guided me to the guest room quite fast and didn't stay to talk afterwards.He left in quite a hurry because Haures was waiting for him.

I literally fell on the bed exhausted. The mattress was quite comfortable and the bed was really big. I took out my phone to check my messages and the rush of adrenaline I felt when I read Anthony's text was enough for me to jerk up from the bed. I was on the verge of calling him when my eyes spotted his most recent text which I had missed due to my panic.

"Found her. Don't ask how. She is heading to New York. I'm following her. Things under control"

I was actually more concerned right now. From my experience,when someone claims to have a situation under control,he tells it precisely to calm himself because he knows he is bound to lose any sense of power really soon.

My fatigue soon returned so I laid on the bed trying not to think of the events of the past year. But what tormented me most weren't the memories. Paimon was right. I miss home. And most of all,I miss my sisters.

Meanwhile in Haures's room

(Third Pov)

When Paimon entered the room he found Haures cuddling Thanos close to his body. The baby was asleep but Haures didn't let him go. He continued to rock him and smiled fondly at him even though the baby couldn't see the deep love and affection in his brother's eyes.

Paimon couldn't surpass a smile that reached his face. He walked silently towards Haures until he was right behind him and gently grabbed his shoulders while he was staring at his youngest brother resting in the arms of his other brother.Paimon couldn't think of anything to say but Haures had a lot to talk about.

-Do you know how close we came to losing him forever?

-I know,Haures,I know.

-Do you? Because you brought into our home the one person that almost made it a reality.

-You have every right to be angry. But it's unfair to place the blame solely on Eve. We both know who is the real responsible for putting both of you at tremendous risk.

-Im most angry at Eve because I expected her to understand. To grasp the consequences,to feel the danger.To act without me having to explain my pain.

-She. understood,brother. She just didn't act wisely.

-No,Paimon. She knew but she did not understand.And I am angry with you too.You sct as if nothing has happened,as if she did nothing wrong. Don't you have a reason to be mad at her? You ran after her the first chance you got.

Haures said the last sentence with clear disappointment in his voice. Paimon turned and looked him straight in the eyes.

-Don't tell me again I don't have a reason to be angry at her. I have and I am. I almost lost my entire family,I had to watch you suffer mentally and physically for an entire year not knowing if you would survive this and I didnt even get a chance to mourn our brother when he died. And while all this was happening Eve was literally plotting behind our backs.So yeah,I too wanted to hit her.But it won't solve anything. Because she was the only person that wanted to help. The fact that she didn't doesn't have to do with her intentions but her weaknesses,which the Dark Queen took advantage of.

He raised his voice a bit at the end and Thanos moved annoyed. Luckily,he didn't wake up. But both Haures and Paimon realised that this conversation had to end.Paimon kissed the baby's face and turned to leave.

-I am going to bed. You need to sleep too,Haures. Your body hasn't recovered completely. Johanna said you need to be very careful. She also said to eat and sleep properly.

-Okay,okay. I will sleep in a while.

Paimon seemed convinced and closed the door behind him as he was leaving. Haures took a last look at his brother before placing him back in the crib. The child protested at first because he didn't want to leave the warm and comfortable embrace of his brother.

-Shhh. It's okay. I will be back tomorrow.I promise.

These soothing words managed to calm him down and returned to sleeping soundly.

Haures gave one last kiss to his brother's forehead

-Good night.I love you.

After that he left the room to return to his quarters to rest for the night.