The reception

The sound of glasses clicking,voices talking seemingly non stop, footsteps echoing from all over the place made Eric's head hurt. Frankly,he wanted nothing more than to leave this place,go home,turn on the Tv and watch thrillers while eating pistachio ice cream with chocolate chips. All this after he breaks every single thing standing inside his house.

But he was a Shadow,for Spirits Sake,and a powerful and proud one also. He wasn't a heartbroken highschool girl. Also,he had a very important job tonight. He had organized tonight's reception especially for Raphael. He had invited every important man and woman of the film industry and had told Raphael that all of them were interested in making his book a movie.

Of course,he had managed to convince the public to like that bunch of scrambled words on paper by using the power of social media and Tv. Thankfully, Raphael paid little to no interest to internet or any modern device for that matter so that made his work a lot easier and his cover was secured

However,the producers proved to be more difficult to handle than the naive public. They downright refused to be responsible for the movie adaptation of the "epitome of a writing disgrace" as they called it.But Eric was not just a cunning man,he was a Shadow and he knew how humans thought better that they could ever realize.

So he organized this little gala after he paid every single one of these guests to attend.Their reluctance to cooperate altered his plans a bit but didn't ruin them. At the end of the night,he would send Raphael to personally ask these film makers for their opinion. And their answer will crush him. And Angelica alongside him. Then Haures will have no choice but to invite him back home. Nothing could go wrong tonight.

-Eric? Are you okay? You seemed a little spaced out tonight.

-Don't worry,Raph. Just happy to see you achieve your greatest dream.

-And I owe it all to you. None of this would have happened without you.

-Nonsense. You have the talent and the potential. I simply reached out to the right people. A talent such as yours remaining in the shadows is a crime.

At that moment Eric spotted a couple in the crowd and at that moment he remembered he had a heart because he felt it grow cold.George and his fiancée,Lily were there. But why? He certainly had not invited them and then he saw George talking with some producers. Of course,he must be their sponsor so they felt obligated to invite him. Ge wasn't sure if he should stay and defend his dignity with the risk of losing control and causing a scene or run away at his own party.

Raphael sensed his distress but couldn't find the source of it so he simply guided Eric towards the drinks,hoping to lead him far away from whatever was upsetting him.But George had spotted Eric and his eyes weren't leaving their target so ignoring the potential anger of Eric, he approached the bar.

He could feel Eric's sadness,anger and his desire for George to leave and the last one hurt George the most but he was determined to set some things straight.

-Good evening, gentlemen.

-George. What a surprise. I don't remember inviting you.

Eric's attempt to be rude in order to push George away was more than obvious but George was a fighter and when he had something to fight for,he knew no boundaries.

-You didn't. But I heard your news of your party and I simply could fight it off. So,I convinced one of the producers to invite me.

-You and your fiancée.

-I wanted to talk to you about it. Raphael,could you leave us alone for a bit?

Raphael made a move to leave but Eric grabbed him by the arm

-You are not going anywhere because me and this man have nothing to discuss

-Listen,Eric,I agree it would be best for me to go have a talk with the producers so you can solve whatever problem you have with each other at peace.

After saying that,Raphael left quickly before Eric could voice any more complaints and as he was passing by George,the latter gave him a sincere look of gratitude. Then,he went to lean on the table with a drink in his hand besides Eric who was as tense as if he was sitting too close to a fire.

-Eric,this cannot go on any longer. We haven't talked in nearly five days.

-What did you want to hear from me? To congratulate you on your wedding?

-I am not getting married. At least not yet, certainly not with her and if I ever do,it won't be as most people know it normally happens.

-You believe that I am blind or stupid? The whole world has seen Lily's instagram post with her wearing the engagement ring. I must admit that it was simpler than I expected it to be.

-I don't know how it happened. Lily must have stolen it from my drawer. I know I should have fired her but a lot of my important associates saw her post and I feared that she would throw a tantrum online which could destroy my public image. So I am playing with her at the moment, that's why I brought her here tonight with me. But as soon as things settle down and I sign the deal I will send her to hell,I promise.

-How many days did it take you to come up with this story?

-Come on Eric. It's the truth.

-I don't believe you.

George hid his face between his palms and stayed there for a few moments. Then he sighed deeply and lifted his eyes confidently and looked at Eric.

-You are right. You are stupid. You said it yourself. That ring was too plain for a woman. Women want diamonds and pearls.And it is too big for her anyway.It is clear in the photo.

-I don't understand what you are trying to say

-You do but you refuse to admit it.That ring,and thus the proposal,wasn't meant for her. It was meant for y...

At that time the voice of one of the security guards was heard from the doorway drew Eric's attention and he went to see what was going on leaving George before he could finish his sentence.

-I'm sorry sir you can't pass.

-Yes I can and if you don't get out of my way in the next five seconds you are going to be in big trouble.

Eric was surprised,to say the least,when he saw Anthony and Anna standing waiting at the door. How did they know Raphael was here? That wasn't important right now. What was crucial was that they leave before they completely ruin his plans.

-Anthony. I'm sorry but it seems that you have lost your way.The street clubs are in another part of the city.

-Eric. You still think you are funny when in truth you are just an idiot?

Eric's small laugh send chills down Anthony's spine and he took a step back but Eric took two forward and whispered in his ear

-Leave. It's nobody here that wants your presence anyway.Raphael now relies on my opinion and my judgment is the one that values. You are simply not necessary anymore.

-Anthony. You made it.

Eric turned around only to see Raphael looking at them. He was pale, slightly drunk and seemed weak. First signs of depression. He had succeeded.Raphael now knew the truth about the chances he had of achieving his biggest dream,which were non existent.And after Eric had made him believe that all would be handed to him in a silver plate.Eric had managed to destroy him but he couldn't relax just yet.

-Raphael. You expected that he would come?

-Of course. I invited him.I wanted him to see what I had achieved because he always was the one to doubt me. But I think you are right,Eric. He should leave.

-I am not going anywhere,Raphael,unless you come with me. We need to talk.

-I don't think this is such a good idea.

-I think it is a splendid one.

Eric took a step between them and looked Anthony right in the eyes.

-You are making a scene at my party and I can't allow that. I won't repeat myself. Leave.

While Anthony and Eric were staring aggressively at each other,Raphael's eyes were glued to the gun in the guard's belt but no one had noticed. The only time when they did pay attention to him was when he grabbed the gun and pointed it at his own head. Anthony was the first to see it and in a midst of panic took a hold of his best friend's arm and pointed the gun elsewhere not having enough to care where that was but Raphael still pulled the trigger.

At first,Anthony was too relieved to have saved Raphael's life to care what ended up to be the bullet's target.But he didn't have to look around because a deep male voice pierced his ears shouting a name he hoped one day he wouldn't have to hear again