
Eric couldn't see anything. He felt like he had no strength to open his eyes and in fact he was quite grateful for it. The continuous beeping sounds and the pain that was surging through his body were putting enough strain in his senses. His energy system was also on the brink of collapse.

The stress in his body had become so great that the energy lines in his body had been activated and were sending energy signals throughout his body and it was very uncomfortable but it all that was keeping him alive right now because a normal,human's body that lacks that immense network of energy lines that compliments the nervous system would be without life now.

Suddenly he felt an extremely strong amount of energy signals like someone from the outside was trying to gain access to his energy system and in its shock the system was fighting back,no matter who he was but whoever he was,he'd better stop because otherwise Eric would make him stop himself.

All of the sudden,they stopped. Eric hadn't realized that they had been moving up until that moment or maybe he hadn't paid much attention to it. Where was he?

The previous energy attack returned but worse this time because his energy system was now attacking the intruder by sending out mass energy radiation,a process that exhausted his already hurt body even more. Eric was slightly happy to hear a pained yelp which was quickly followed by a familiar, temporarily unknown, voice.

-Eric! Eric,listen to me. You need to calm down. Take a few deep breaths.

Despite recognising the reason behind those words Eric refused to listen to the advice of a stranger so he pretended not to have heard it. A minute later,his body released a new energy attack that caused him even more pain.

-Eric,I know it hurts but I can make it stop if you would just let me in. Just relax Eric,you can do it.

He didn't have enough energy to fight anymore so with great difficulty he took two-three deep breaths ,just enough to calm himself to allow whoever was talking to him access to his energy system. Immediately the pain started subsiding and a few minutes later it was completely gone and Eric could finally think clearly and open his eyes only to see George towering over him who seemed quite relieved to see him more alert.

-Feeling better? Don't answer me,there is no need to strain yourself. I am still connected to your energy system so I have full knowledge and control of your body functions.The bullet pierced your main artery in the torso but I managed to slow down your circulation but you are still losing blood way too fast.I need to operate.

As he was talking,he was tearing up the expensive clothes Eric was wearing but that wasn't what upset Eric the most. As he took a look around,he realized,with shock,that he was inside an ambulance and the paramedics were lying unconscious on the ground. George seemed to read his thoughts and explained while continuing to work on removing Eric's clothes.

-They are alive,don't worry. I had to do it. Their machines misunderstood your energy signals as a sign you were going into shock and wanted to give you morphine. You know it is one of the most effective inhibitors for the energy currents. It would have caused your energy system to overload and that would lead to your death.


-Shhh. What did I say about talking? And don't even think about opening our telepathic link in your condition.Your energy lines are being stressed out right now,there is no need for you to give them more work.I will have to put my hands inside your body now. You won't feel any pain,I have taken care of that but you will still feel my hands so it will be a bit uncomfortable.


-You won't keep quiet,will you? Fine,I was sure something was going to happen to you because you are too prideful and stubborn to be careful so I studied second domain techniques while you were away and what do you know? They came in handy.

-You mean?

-Right now I am redirecting all of your energy signals to the hole in the artery which increases the multiplication rate of the epithelial cells of your artery. The hole should be closed in about 5-6 minutes.But you are still losing blood.

He removed one hand from Eric's body while the other was still holding onto the artery and touched Eric's right arm beneath the clothes for a few seconds and a few moments later Eric started to feel dizzy.

-I am so sorry. I had to activate the red blood cells formation process in your bone marrow which increased the circulation in your body but I could risk losing more blood so I lowered the circulation in the area of the wound and this causes you dizziness. Stay with me,just a bit longer. I am almost done.

True to his word one or two minutes later he removed his hands from Eric's body and a couple minutes later,George restored the normal blood cells' production and blood circulation and the dizziness was gone but Eric was exhausted.

Also,George seemed to be on the brink of collapse.After several attempts,he tried to stand up without falling and moved towards the first aid kit.

-You are out of danger but my work isn't done. There is still that wound in your chest but I am too tired to fix it so I will bandage it for now but I promise you,as soon as we get home and my energy is restored I will heal that wound too.

Eric was barely listening to him at this point. He could feel himself slowly falling asleep but George had a different opinion.

-No,no Eric dont fall asleep.We have stayed here for far too long. As soon as I take care of your wound,we need to take a taxi and get to my place. When we get there,I swear I will let you sleep for as long as you want.

Eric didn't remember much about their journey to George's place. He wasn't sleeping but he wasn't aware of his surroundings either. He felt like both his nervous and energy system had completely shut down.

But the sensation of the soft mattress,warm blanket,fresh sheets awakened him and made him feel safe and relaxed. He was still not experiencing any pain and that could only mean that George was still connected to him and blocking the pain signals from reaching his brain.

-We are safe now. You can sleep calmly. If you feel strong enough would you like to try staying awake a little longer to eat something?

But Eric was already fast asleep and most likely didn't even hear George's question who smiled fondly at the realization.

-Alright. This actually gives me more time to cook something special for you when you wake up.

After having said that,George quietly left the room,closing the door slowly behind him. But he didnt head towards the kitchen but instead he walked inside the living room where he poured himself a glass of whiskey and took out his phone and dialed a number he didn't usually call.

-Yes? Did you receive the picture I sent you? I want that man found. No,I changed my mind,I want them both found. Preferably alive but if you have to be merciful to achieve it then I will compromise with their bodies.Also I place a bounty on them. 2 million dollars. Make sure words get around. I want them as soon as you can make it happen.

After he hung up,he collapsed on the sofa,mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. Eric getting shot was a scene that would plug his dreams for a long time.

And George swore he would get his hands on those that disturbed his sleep and he would either make them lose theirs' for the rest of their lives or never wake up from the sleep he would put them in. That was left to be decided.

Now all he wanted to do was sleep as well,just a small nap,just enough to restore his energy to heal Eric's wound and cook him a nice meal but he didn't have the energy to get to his room and besides he was already half asleep so he slept right where he was. At the couch. Neither of them woke up during the rest of the night.