Any Old Professor

Serenica convinced Ed to show her his notebook as she promised to show hers in turn. They compared their anatomical drawings. Serenica's were fairly accurate to her own eye, but Ed could easily point out many mistakes in them. He did it without being overly spiteful. Serenica got the impression that he merely loved information too much to not correct her. She had miscalculated the placement of several glands and exaggerated the size of the liver. Ed said he had performed multiple autopsies. Serenica thought that was an odd way of saying he had performed hundreds of them, so precise was his knowledge.

"Once I removed the thyroid gland," he said, tapping the appropiate spot in his drawing. "I removed the thyroid from a tadpole. Can you guess what happened next?"

"I gather it didn't fare well," Serenica said.

"Well, it didn't. It never grew into an adult frog." The joy of discovery sparkled in Ed's eyes.