Quill Theft

Before long, a man that walked like he was blind came strolling along the corridor and squinted at her.

"Why, young lady, are you waiting for treatment? The students will see you in the other building." He wiped some imaginary filth off his scarlet vest, a clothing item that revealed something about him. This fine gentleman did not get his hands dirty, or at least he didn't intend to do so today.

Serenica flashed the permit to him and said:"My name is Serenica Ingram and I intend to take advantage of this. I want to become a doctor."

The man seemed to shudder. "But why, of course! How privileged of me to think that you were here for treatment. Of course…it is a pity that not many women are interested in the medical field."

Serenica knew this to be untrue. It wasn't a lack of interest holding women back. It was the practical difficulty of having to get a special license to even start.