
Serenica tried to ease her way into the new day that had already progressed past noon. She was unsuccessful. Her hangovers were way worse nowadays. She remembered being eighteen and able to drink for weeks before anything resembling a bad morning after came. Now, it was different, and not in a good way. The sickly feeling followed her until it was five o'clock in the evening and she had to change into clothes that were not covered in vomit.

She picked red, as she knew it to be so that few men could look away from a woman in red. Besides, she liked the color.

She decided to ride Norra into the contemporary city hall. The original hall was being repaired, not due to the great fire, but due to mold building up in the structures. The meeting was held in a place that had once had something to do with taxes. That was business that Myorka knew a lot more about. Serenica couldn't be bothered with the minute details of such tedious things.