
The word got out that Serenica had defended the poor in a room full of merchants. It was certainly good for business. During the next day she received payments from dozens of patients she had written off as hopeless cases. While she did not technically have a place in Neul anymore, she was easy to find, as she always frequented the same inns.

She also received plenty of new patients who had nothing wrong with their bodies. Instead, they were plagued by a desire to appear prestigious. Her care had become a symbol of status, which was funny, as she was still one of the cheapest in Neul.

Spade came to laugh at her fame, but she got the feeling that he was really glad for her.

"Off I go, then. I have a family to start," he said, and Serenica expected to see a lewd wink, but instead, he looked serious as he exited the inn. He respected his wife too much to make a joke out of something so serious.