The Statue

People were screaming and running for cover, but as the dream had some scarily realistic features, no one knew what to do or where to go. An earthquake was unheard of in Neul. Serenica wanted to help, even though the people passing her by were not real, but the prince said they should rather seek to gather as much information as possible.

"I'm afraid this dream is of a much more prophetic nature," he said grimly.

Serenica felt her anxiety as a constricting suit of armor around her. Her dream heart was thumping away. Her palms were sweaty. She followed the Dreamer towards higher ground.

There were a few close calls with collapsing buildings, but in a dream, one had more leeway. They would merely wake up if they died, so they bravely sprinted towards the Ruby Hills, higher ground that they could use to examine the damage.