
Hialda gave her the name of a Raelian old man who apparently had a lot of power over the community. She had never heard of him.

There was no time to lose. She had no idea when the earthquake would hit. She had to find Linenlines and explain something coherent yet untrue to him.

Luckily, that was not as big of an issue as she had feared. She received a mountain of homework from her teachers and professors, but she was allowed to take the rest of the week off in order to settle important matters in Neul.

She rode to the city, afraid she'd break Norra's spirit by riding too fast, but the animal was patient with her. Norra seemed to behave differently. Perhaps it knew that something big was coming.

Serenica couldn't find her crew. They were not at the Red House. She couldn't find Deim, either, which was a shame, as he had a lot of authority wherever he roamed. He could have convinced people to leave.