
That night she shared another dream with the prince. This time there was little tension in the air. They were sitting in an office of some sort, in the middle of official papers and bottles of ink.

Serenica had never liked the kind of official documents that brought to her mind legal matters and taxation. She was annoyed that either she herself or the Dreamer had unconsciously or consciously chosen a place like this to meet at.

"What are we doing here?" she asked.

The prince was sitting on a desk, bouncing his legs and looking just as irritable as she felt.

"Have you ever tried to read a long text in a dream?" he asked.

"It doesn't work like that," Serenica said. "At least, not for me. You might be different."

"That is exactly why we're here. It would be hard for you to give me coherent coordinates that I would actually remember correctly. But this room is special."