
Serenica had to wake up to mess with a particular deadrouser, though. Spade wasn't feeling well, he said that something was wrong with his heart.

"Perhaps you could have skipped the cigars and the booze," Serenica said, utilizing her significant hindsight.

"That's an outrage," the captain said. It was clear that speaking required an abnormal amount of effort from him. "A man can sail to the ends of the world, interrogate the dead…then a lass will tell him he isn't allowed to enjoy the -"

"Fruits of his labor, I know, but it is what it is," Serenica said, feeling his wrist with her other hands and mixing different herbs with the other. "I would love to have a syringe right now, but that can't be done."

Ed was in the cabin with them.

"I have a syringe, like the one I made for Deim," he said casually. "Would it be of any use?"

"You know how to construct syringes? Really?" Serenica was surprised. Ed seemed to be behind lots of amazing inventions.