In the Grove

There was enough food aboard the pirate hunter that the rest of the treasure hunt was pretty much supplied for. They could go on sailing towards the Island of Bones, but it seemed to Serenica that the prince had taken some kind of a shortcut and would be there before them.

Blackbones was out for a while as Serenica patched him up, but he returned to his senses after some bedrest and demanded to take on his responsibilities as a boatswain again.

The Island was a grimly beautiful place, at least as a speck in the sea it was just that when viewed through a spyglass. Its rocks were sharp and its sand was bone white, that special sort of pale with a worn-out yellow tint – and its trees were the type of trees that had plenty of sturdy branches. Those trees had to be good for hanging people.

With great care, they dropped their anchor at a spot that would allow for tedious magical repairs. Serenica couldn't see the ship of the Dreamer.