
A terrifying silence came upon them. Not even the voices inside her head dared to speak, or perhaps it was out of respect that they stayed quiet.

Serenica guided her men and Essieca further into the woods.

They walked with the healer leading them, barely saying a word, but as they progressed into the stagnated territory of spirits and moss, the voices spoke up again. Danger. That was what they said, and a red light behind Serenica's eyelids got more and more intense.

"You are being watched."

"You are being chased."

At one point the healer thought she heard a rumbling sound, but that, too, was covered up by the whispering soon, and there was really no telling what was real and what was not.

Serenica had seen illusions before, but this was insanity. She felt sorry for Essieca, who had to endure things like this every single day.