The Animalistic Mind

The pirates retreated deeper into the cave, horrified by the parts of that monstrous appearance that they could see.

"Come, this way, this way," Essieca whispered to them.

They ventured deeper into the dark cave system. Serenica did not like fire in situations such as this one, but she had to scratch a match and make a little torch out of fallen branches in order to see anything.

They took a sharp turn left, but that was a mistake, for faint sunlight and the stench of rotten meat came from there. They backed away from the perilous situation that was surely waiting for them just outside the cave.

They took the right tunnel this time, and it seemed to lead into a darker place with stagnant air dwelling deep underground. It seemed like a safe option.

Serenica still heard things inside her head, drumming and singing. The thoughts that were not her own grew louder, and she tasted blood.